-The path of Acceptance-

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Umar ibn Al - khattab (رضي الله عنه) said:
"Never say a person has good character, until you see how he behaves when he is angry & never say a person is righteous until you see how he controls himself when he is faced with temptations."
[Ansab Al-Ashraaf |10/331]

Omaiza's PoV

I cherished every moment of those following days; they flowed smoothly, whether it was our breakfast outings or grocery shopping adventures. It wasn't just about giving us a chance for Lut; it was a chance for me to find happiness, something I had longed for.

For the first time in a while, I felt like I deserved happiness, and it was liberating. The moments we spent sightseeing in Boston were special because I no longer felt the need to hide behind hesitation. I wanted to know Lut as a person, to connect on a deeper level. I was no longer pretending; I was being my authentic self.

Our conversations flowed naturally, and I couldn't contain my enthusiasm when talking about my hobbies, from painting to sketching and writing. It was something I had wanted to ask since the day we moved: "Could I use the spare room as my art and writing spot?" His response, "Of course! It's all yours. Sounds like a great plan," filled me with gratitude. I silently whispered, "Alhamdullilah ya rabb," thanking God for the happiness I was beginning to find.

It struck me that the person I once never considered  was now my husband. As I contemplated the connection that was slowly forming between us, I couldn't help but wonder, was I falling for him?

Praying with him was something I cherished the most. It felt like a connection not just with him, but with my Rabb. After Maghreb prayer, I excused myself to answer a phone call in my room.

"Assalamu alaikum Aiza!!!!" I heard Mahira's cheerful voice greet me as her face appeared on my phone screen. She was sitting with Asma Aunty, who also smiled warmly.

"Walaikum salam wa rahmathullahi wa Barakathuhu," I replied with excitement. "I missed y'all," I added, pouting playfully.

Mahira couldn't resist rolling her eyes at my comment. "Yeah, that's why you've been calling us for the past few week," she teased.

I winked at her. "Aha, looks like someone missed me," I said with a mischievous grin. Then, I turned to Asma Aunty. "Aunty, I guess Mahira needs to get married off soon."

Laughter filled the conversation as Asma Aunty excused herself, leaving Mahira and me to chat more privately.

As the conversation flowed, I talked about how we both were doing and how married life was treating me. Mahira couldn't help but express her initial worries and curiosity about Lut. I assured her that things were better than I had expected. The feeling of being accepted was slowly starting to wash over me, and I found myself genuinely smiling again.

I leaned in closer to the phone's camera and said, "Mahira, I want to give it a try. I'm willing to do this." It was a declaration of my newfound optimism and my willingness to make my marriage work.

We delved into the details of my morning outings with Lut, sharing stories about how he was considerate of my likes and dislikes. It was a conversation between two close friends, filled with laughter, reassurance, and a sense of hope for the future.

After we hung up, I thought Lut must be getting ready for bed, and I noticed we had some fresh pineapple. "I'll make something refreshing for him and myself," I decided with a smile.

In the kitchen, I poured some fresh pineapple juice, thinking to myself, "I hope he likes it." As I walked back towards his room, I noticed Lut's room door was open.

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