Ch 10: 'Wasting Time'

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[2 weeks! 2 chapters! That's all that remains before we get brand spanking new chapters!]

[10 Chapters! How did we already get here? Honestly, at the start of this book, I didn't even know if I would reach half this much. But I think thanks to some unique ideas, including the always popular Bakubro idea, which I'm surprised I haven't seen much of before, and we've reached this milestone. So thank you everyone! Now, I'll admit, I'm worried this book may drop off in 10 chapters or so like my Chainsaw Man book. The good thing about MHA, however, is that it already has six seasons, and another on the way, to write up scenarios that you all are already familiar with. But, of course, with my added SteveTheAlbino twist, I'll be sure to deliver you all a great time... And today is no different~]

[And after writing this chapter, I can safely say that I feel this is the most badass and fun chapter I've written in a while. I hope you enjoy!]

[Your POV]

It all came down to this. A moment in your life where you had to make a choice. Even with the odds stacked against you, this wasn't a time to fall back and wither into the background. Instead, you had to stand up and make your claim. And even though right now shit seemed sideways, I wasn't content to let it remain like this for long. After all, these pieces of shit wouldn't stand in my way from achieving my dream and keeping my promise. Because when I told my brother that day that I'd kill all villains... I meant it. But now I realize, killing their desires to do evil may not be enough. Maybe, the only way to truly defeat a villain... Is by making sure they can't get back up ever again...Permanently.

[3rd Person POV]

A wave of complete and utter silence resonated through the air of USJ's inner walls. All eyes were pinned on the centre of the massive building, where Aizawa's bleeding body remain still, looks of fear covered the face of the students caught in the misfire, and (Y/n) caught in a tight hold by the villainous Nomu. But all such silence was suddenly disrupted by a familiar voice.

Bakugo: "Now, drop my friend, before you make me even more pissed than I already am. You have three seconds..."

The shock on (Y/n)'s face right now was one he never had before. He didn't expect Bakugo to be the person to come and save him, even when it was the most realistic option. Yet, as (Y/n) struggled to come to terms with his friend's sudden arrival, the masked villain couldn't help but release a chuckle, which instantly caught the fierce gaze of Bakugo.

(???): "Three seconds..." [Chuckles] "Three seconds, you say... My, my. What warning?"

Bakugo: [Growls] "Yeah, well, I decided to give a number you're familiar with. Ya know? Three inches. Three seconds in bed. Oh--" [Chuckles] "And also, three secONDS FOR YOU TO TELL YOUR DUMB FRIEND TO DROP MY FRIEND!" 

The sudden switch from goofy to pure anger was something (Y/n) had seen a lot from Bakugo during their years as friends. Yet, for everyone else watching, it was a sight some were not completely prepared for. But, yet, unlike the students, the masked villain merely released another chuckle.

(???): "Oh..." [Chuckles] "I'm not so much focused on the amount of time you gave me. I'm more so amused you even--"

Bakugo: "Time's up!"

(???): "Huh?"

The masked villain's attention was immediately brought back to Bakugo prematurely as the young hero activated his Quirk and launched into the air. The fierce bang of the explosions going off from his wrists to send him flying toward (Y/n) was enough to leave some of the nearby students to cover their eyes from the loud sound, yet people like (Y/n) and Nomu were left unphased. The pair watching as Bakugo's scream flooded the air as his focus turned to rescuing his best friend.

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