Ch 24: 'Feeling This'

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[Sorry for the wait! Didn't want to release a chapter I wasn't proud of. I had 10k words done last week and it felt like nothing happened, SO HERE'S TO A BIG CHAPTER...AND 100K READS ON THIS BOOK! HECK YEAH!! SOMETHING NOT EVEN THE ORIGINAL COULD DO! SO THANK YOU!!!]

[Alright! So another week and another ANTI-HERO chapter! And finally! We've done it! We're out of the Sports Festival ARC and moved onto something else, finally! So hopefully that can bring an added boost back to this book. Now, the last chapter did better than the previous one. But I feel we can keep going. And by helping with that, I plan to bring you all a massive chapter today! Because we're out of the Sports Festival, and we made it out of this one with the start of the harem! And we enter this new stage with new characters! New badass moments! Potentially a jealous Bakugo? And so! Much! More! You don't wanna miss...YOU DON'T!]

[3rd Person POV]

--11 Years Ago--

Izuku: "Haha! Wow, (Y/n)! Look at all these hero names!"

The joyous and excited voice of Izuku Midoriya sounded with glee as he rocked back and forth on the chair positioned in front of the family computer. Currently, both Izuku and his older brother could be seen sitting at the computer desk in the living room using the internet to come up with hero names after Izuku wanted to play superheroes with his brother. Of course, to do that, they'd need hero names. But such a task seemed more difficult then one may have first thought. So, (Y/n) decided to use the computer to go on a Random Super Hero Name Generator in hopes of finding the perfect ones. The only problem...They had been doing this for thirty minutes now, and (Y/n) was starting to get tired.

(Y/n): [Yawns] "Come on, Izuku. You gotta hurry up and pick a hero name before it gets dark, otherwise we can't play heroes."

Izuku: "What? I can't rush this, (Y/n). I need to find the right name."

Such a sentence was spoken with quite a serious look for a little kid, one which (Y/n) noticed instantly. A curious look formed on his face as he watched his brother return his gaze back to the computer screen.

(Y/n): "Izuku...You know this is just a game, right? It's not that serious."

Izuku: "Not serious? Of course, it is, (Y/n). Choosing a hero name is one of the most important things ever!"

(Y/n): "Really? How so?"

He didn't exactly understand, mainly because this was just pretend. Even so, Izuku seemed to think otherwise. A happy smile found his lips once more, wiping away his serious expression, as his eyes glossed over the screen before him as he spoke.

Izuku: "Because...When you give yourself a name, it's important because it show what kind of hero you are. Like the hero you want to be when you grow up! Like, you don't want to pick a bad name that doesn't show what hero you want to be."

(Y/n): [To himself] "...What hero you want to be..."

Izuku: "Yeah! Like, All Might!"

(Y/n): [Turns to Izuku] "All Might?"

Izuku: "Yep! His name is perfect. Because it shows he's strong and courageous! That's why I can't just pick any name..."

[Your POV]


"...I gotta pick one that fits me."

Life just felt...Perfect. I know people will go around saying stuff and still deal with crap in life. And honestly, I've still probably got a thing or two to work on, but overall...I feel great! I truly feel like I'm given a second chance in life, and this time, I'm not going to let any moment hold me back. A few days have passed since the end of the Sports Festival, during that time we were given time off. Mainly to heal our injuries and just recuperate from everything going on. However, it seems the world was not yet ready to move on from the events. Even when travelling on a train, through heavy rain-filled weather, I was able to witness the big screens perched up in the city showcase everything that went down. Of course, I didn't win the tournament. 

𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄-𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙊 [Dark Deku Male Reader X My Hero Academia Harem]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora