Ch 22: 'Cynical'

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[Alright, after last week's chapter which was basically an interlude, we're back with the ACTION! As for what happened in the last chapter, I just want to remind people that just because this is a fanfic...That doesn't mean things are going to go unrealistically. And people saying stop being a dark knight. Just remember...Just because the reader is Powerful in fights, he's also human, and his weak point is the self-doubt and regret he's had on his life. He felt like he moved on from it, but just like in life, things can happen out of nowhere that can turn things back around. But in saying that, just give me time to explain...Because it'll be worth it.]

[Your POV]

When I was Ten, in Junior High, we had to do a subject on picking a random word out of the dictionary and write a summary on it. Now, whilst everyone searched far and wide for the right word for them, as your teacher described it, me on the other hand...I was never really interested in school work. So, when I had my dictionary in hand, I merely randomly flicked through the pages. One by one they turned and went by. 

I didn't stop until the thought returned to my mind a few seconds later. So, when I suddenly stopped, I latched my eyes to the page and waited for what the first word I saw. And, whether it was a joke from someone in control, or a twisted turn of fate. The word I just so happened to land on... was Misery. A word I had heard a thousand times, but it wasn't until a certain age that that word became a whole other meaning for me. 

The goal of this subject, was that before writing a summary on the actual word, we would have to look up the word and decipher what it meant. But when I went to do this, I didn't know just how much it'd truly define and connect with my life. In my vast searches of the word online, I eventually came across a poem of sorts that would stick with me to this very day.

"I keep so much pain inside of myself. I grasp my anger and loneliness and hold it in my chest. It has changed me into something I was never meant to be. It has transformed me into a person I do not recognize, but I don't know how to let it go."

When I first saw that group of words, I was anger. Bitter. To the point, I slammed the school laptop shut right away. I don't know why I was angry. Did it remind me of Izuku? Or did it remind me of myself a little too much. At that point in time, I didn't want to be this person. I wanted to keep my promise to Izuku, but I was also fighting with myself. A part of me just wanted to move on completely. To live a normal life. 

I kept telling myself, Izuku would understand. He'd want me to be happy. But eventually, I came to realize that misery is a part of us all. It's there not to hold us back, but to motivate us forward. It's that very misery I hold right now, the misery of Izuku's death, and the misery of feeling guilt for potentially holding Uraraka back from her own story of being a hero, that I faced off with the unlucky person who now found themself to be my opponent. Shoto Todoroki.

[3rd Person POV]

The cheers from the crowd only grew with each passing second. It was all (Y/n) could hear. The silhouette of the young boy could be seen imprinted on the ground as its owner walked through one of the many tunnels that surrounded the bottom area of the arena. No more than ten meters away awaited the exit. Once he stepped out there, the cheers would only grow. But that was the furthest thing from his mind right now. Despite everything with Endeavor, and his quest to prove the hero wrong. He couldn't get Uraraka out of his mind. 

So many thoughts contemplated his mind. It was a prison he just wanted to escape from. That's why, as he continued to reach the end of the tunnel, that he reached into the pocket of his white and blue physical training uniform to retrieve his phone and white headphones. The cheers from the crowd kept rising until he placed the headphones into his ear and pressed play on his phone. Instantly, they were drowned out by the music that began to play. Following this, (Y/n) took a final deep breath before taking that last step out into the open world...Where the screams of the crowd went ballistic.

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