Ch 26: 'Rabbit Hole'

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[Alright, so sorry once more for the wait. Wattpad had complications and I was really busy with work. Also add in the fact that the last chapter didn't do amazing compared to others, so I was kinda putting this book on the back burner. BUT I'M BACK NOW! AND WITH MORE MIRKO! But during the time of the last chapter, a few things have happened. One such being the trailer for the new MHA Movie "You're Next". Looks pretty good, but as we're talking about movies for MHA. I've been asked in the past if I will incorporate them into the book. And the short answer is...YES!

Most likely it'd be one movie, and whilst I'm unsure if I'll do it in this book, or a book of its own. I do have a pretty cool idea to add into the movie aspect. And that is...

--The events of one of the movies (Not sure which one yet) will take place like normal. Then, out of nowhere, a portal will open and bring (Y/n), Bakugo, and Uraraka...INTO THE WORLD OF THE ACTUAL ANIME! AND I MEAN, ACTUAL ANIME! SO (Y/N), OUR READER, WILL COME ACROSS AN ALTERNATE VERSION OF HIS DEAD BROTHER! PLUS ALTERNATE VERSIONS OF HIS GIRLFRIENDS AND FRIENDS!!! DOESN'T THAT SOUND COOL???--

Though, in saying that, I'm unsure when to do it, and whether to place it in this book, or a book of its own. What would you prefer?

A.) In this book

B.) A book of its own [Though still Canon to this story]

That's about it for now, because I have that and a whole lot more planned for the future of this story! And it continues today with a brand new chapter! So if you're excited, press that vote button, and let's continue on the grind~]

[Your POV]

You know when you're young, and you see a hero going past? Whether it be walking through the streets or flying in the sky, every single person that witnesses such a sight, their first thought is always; 'Their life must be so special'. And to a point, I suppose that is true. I mean, they're recognized as people who save the day. They're so cool in the eyes of so many people, so it's bound to acknowledge them as different and special when compared to the normal person. After all, what makes up the normal day of a normal person? They wake up. They go to work. They have lunch. They do something in hopes it'll make someone's life easier. 

And then they go home. A pretty average life, right? But when you think of a hero, you imagine something special; unique. Something that no ordinary person could ever dream of having. But, you know what? After spending only a few days as the intern of a Pro Hero, living through their own lives like it was your own, I can easily say that...It's nothing special. Well, sure, there are things they go through that are different from others, and some may consider them special. But the overall structure of it all, it's the same. Just like citizens, heroes wake up. They go to work. They have lunch. And they do something in hopes it'll make someone's life easier. 

It's like poetry, as...Yaoyorozu would say, anyway. It repeats itself. Through each and every life of every person on this planet. And I think people forget that sometimes. But for me, I'm only being reminded of it now, as I sit on the edge of a rooftop high above the streets below, eating my lunch as I sit beside the Pro Hero, Mirko. In the few days I've worked under the Rabbit Hero, I've learnt a lot. Some, I already knew. But I did learn further into the ideology of being a hero. Well, at least a hero with the mindset like Mirko. She was direct. Straight to the point. She saw something bad going down, she didn't wait for backup. She went head first; or, well, in her case...Foot first. 

But she still got the job done. And on the few incidents very already faced this morning, I've come to realize just how lucky I was to pick someone who seemed to have the same mindset as me. That, and, well... It was kinda cool being with a hero that didn't have a stick up their butt.

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