Chapter 21

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Ved feels a surge of anxiety as he watches Vidhi pacing around, visibly agitated. Taking her hand gently, he guides her to sit down, sensing her unease despite her morning apology.

"Will she forgive me, bro?" Vidhi's voice trembles with uncertainty, her eyes searching for reassurance.

"Now that you've made such a big mistake, I can't say for sure..." Ved's frustration seeps through his words, his worry evident. "Why do you always end up making such blunders, idiot?"

Both siblings anxiously await Naina's return, hoping for another chance to apologize if she hasn't forgiven them yet.

Meanwhile, Naina rushes home in a cab, tears streaming down her face, her heart heavy with emotion. She hastily wipes her tears before entering the house, trying to compose herself.

Once inside, she heads straight to the bathroom, unable to hold back her emotions any longer. Turning on the shower, she vigorously scrubs herself, as if trying to wash away the unpleasant touch of the day. Cold water cascades over her body, mingling with her tears that refuse to cease.

Back downstairs, Vidhi eagerly awaits Naina's arrival, ready to greet her with a smile. However, both Vidhi and Ved are taken aback when Naina swiftly retreats to her room without acknowledging them, a departure from her usual behavior.

"She hasn't forgiven me," Vidhi laments, her voice heavy with disappointment. Ved offers a comforting hand on her shoulder, assuring her, "No, we'll apologize again."

With a nod of determination, Vidhi agrees, hoping for a chance to make amends.


Naina emerged from the bathroom and picked up the ringing phone, seeing Rasika's name on the screen. "Uncle is unwell, you come home quickly," Rasika's voice rushed through the line before Naina could even respond, ending the call abruptly.

She dialed Vikram, who was occupied and missed her first call. Upon finally answering, his breaths were heavy with exertion. "Hello?" he managed.

"Hm... That, papa is unwell so I have to go home now," Naina explained urgently.

"Okay, go and call me once," Vikram replied.

As Naina was about to hang up, Vikram's concern surfaced unexpectedly. "Are you okay?" he inquired.

Naina's silence hinted at an unspoken understanding between them before she responded, "Yes, I am fine," and quickly disconnected, realizing time was of the essence.

Vikram, after ending the call, turned his attention to the three men before him, their condition worsened from the beating they received. He seized one by the hair, his voice laced with fury, "Now you will not be worthy of touching anyone, especially the one you've touched—MY wife."

Naina descended the stairs with her bag, where she encountered Vedansh and Vidhi. Their puzzled expressions questioned her sudden departure, but she evaded the truth, saying she was going home. With a sense of sadness, she bid them farewell, leaving them to wonder about her abrupt exit.

As she drove away, Vedansh and Vidhi watched silently, a hint of sorrow in their expressions. Vidhi retreated indoors, her emotions concealed behind closed doors.


Rajendra sat at the dinner table, observing the unusual tranquility in the house. The absence of Naina was palpable, evident in the quiet demeanor of everyone present, including their children. He realized that they had all grown accustomed to Naina's presence, making her absence even more conspicuous.

Aware that Mahesh was unwell and Naina had gone home, the family finished their meal and retired to their respective rooms.

In Vikram's room, he engaged in a conversation with Vidyunt, despite not being in the mood. Just then, Vidhi entered the room, followed by Ved, who shot a glance back at where his brother had been sitting. Without making eye contact with Vikram as she didn't know that he is present in this room, Vidhi began, "Bhai, I am sorry, I made a mistake."

"Please talk to me, how long will you stay angry?" Vidyunt's widened eyes darted behind her to where Vikram observed them keenly. He approached Vidhi, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, I have forgiven you," he assured her, signaling with his eyes to look back. But Vidhi, consumed by guilt, burst into tears, confessing, "No, she left because of me."

Vikram's sharp tone betrayed his concern as he demanded, "What happened?" Vidyunt enveloped Vidhi in a comforting hug, and Vikram realized they had to share everything with him.

Nervous at Vikram's stern voice, Vidhi preempted Vidyut's attempt to speak, and recounted the entire incident involving her altercation with Naina.

Shocked by the revelation, Vikram recalled the previous night's emotional moment with Naina. Moved by Vidhi's remorse, she approached Vikram slowly, grasping his hand, and pleaded, "Bhaiyya, please call Bhabhi and tell her I am sorry."

"I will apologize to her again," Vikram assured her, embracing her as she wept. Moved by the sight, Ved approached and joined the embrace, tears welling in his eyes. Vidyut, too, joined them, hiding his tears as best he could. Vikram placed a comforting hand on Vidyut's back.

"Please bhaiya, bring bhabhi home soon. Let's start afresh," they implored in unison, as Vikram held them tightly, promising to reconcile with Naina.

Vikram returned to his room after tenderly sharing the news of Naina's departure with the family due to her father's illness. He reached for his phone, feeling a pang of concern for Naina, and dialed her number. After a few rings, Naina, who was sitting by her father's bedside, picked up the call, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of Vikram's name on the screen. Curious about his unexpected call, she answered with a gentle "Hello," her brow furrowed in confusion.

As Vikram heard Naina's soothing voice, he settled onto the bed, his mind racing with thoughts.

When Vikram remained silent for a while, Naina checked her phone to ensure the call hadn't disconnected. "Hello?" she repeated, sensing the silence on other side.

Finally, Vikram's voice broke through the quietness with a hesitant "Hmm..." Naina's heart skipped a beat, anticipating his next words.

Listening intently, Naina brought the phone closer to her ear, her entire being focused on Vikram's voice, waiting for him to speak.

"How is Papa?" Vikram inquired softly, his concern evident in his tone, as if her father's well-being mirrored his own.

"He's better than before," Naina replied, her voice carrying a hint of relief mingled with fatigue from the day's events.

"Hm," Vikram acknowledged, his voice filled with empathy and understanding of the situation.

Silence settled between them once again, both lying on their respective beds, lost in their own thoughts yet connected through the invisible thread of care and affection. Vikram could hear the rhythm of Naina's deep breaths through the phone, a reassuring melody that eased his troubled mind.

As moments passed, Naina started to feel the weight of exhaustion creeping over her, the day's events finally catching up to her. Just as she was about to succumb to sleep, she heard Vikram's voice again, breaking the tranquil silence with a simple yet profound declaration, "I am coming." The words washed over her like a comforting embrace, filling her with warmth and reassurance.


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