Chapter 40

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The whole night passes, they're in the room next to him.... Right now both of them are sitting in the waiting area and waiting for him to regain consciousness.

Naina looks at Vikram whom she finds silent as he is not saying anything. She had made him drink coffee with great difficulty. She thinks that everyone at home must have woken up by now.
How everyone was so happy yesterday, suddenly don't know what happened..

"Sir, the patient regained consciousness, you can meet." Both of them stand up, Naina looks at him and says "you go and meet him first."

Vikram looks at her and then at Kabir who assures him with blinking his eyes.

He goes and opens her door with his trembling hands. He moved towards her with his faltering steps and came and sat near her chair. He turns his eyes and looks at his body.... He has a bandage on one hand and also on her head. His eyes are closed, he moves his hand towards his and touches his forehead.

Vidyunt barely opens his eyes when he feels his bhai hand. It comes out of his mouth in a very low voice "Bhai."

“I am here, vidyunt” and he strokes his head. He can hardly bring a smile on his face because he knows that his bhai will be very tensed. "You scared me Vidyunt."

"Sorry... I caused you trouble and you got tensed because of me." He innocently said and he raises his hand by mistake and because of that he feels pain.

"Relax" and he holds his hand. "Maar khaega tu mujhse ishi halat mein. Pagalon Jaisi batein karta hai....." "You know you can never be a problem for me, so why do you say such a thing!!" He said gently.

Seeing his condition, "it's a good thing, there is no internal injury in the head."

"How did this happen.."

"When I was trying to stop the car, the brakes were not working." "That's when I came towards a tree and hit that car, so that it stops on the side. It is good that Kabir had reached there at that time."

Just then their door opens and Rajendra comes in, a worry was visible on his forehead. "Vidyunt..."

Vikram stands up, "dad." He quickly comes towards him and sees his condition. He is about to touch his hand but stops so that it does not cause him pain.

“Dad, I am fine,” Vidyunt says in distress.

“How is this, I heard it happened by accident...” he asks looking at Vikram. Those words come out with great difficulty. The pain and fear of losing his child are clearly visible in his eyes. He (In the name of accident) remembers the same incident 20 years ago in which he lost his wife. His love.

Vikram doesn't know how to say anything, his heart hurts a lot remembering the same thing.

"Dad, I am fine," Vidyunt said again, this time Rajendra comes to his senses and looks at him. He touches his and kiss his forehead where he is hurt.. How badly my child has been hurt, his heart is crying seeing him in this condition.

Kabir had called everyone in the morning on Vikram's request, but as soon as he came to know, everyone came quickly. Maya and Vidya are in tension at home but they stay at home so that the children do not know.

After some time Raj calms down. After that Virendra and Adhiraj also meet.

Just then the nurse and doctor comes, "Don't worry, Mr. Raghuvanshi your son is very brave, nothing will happen to him, he will be fine in a few days.And when there are so many people to care and worry about, then he have to get fine quickly.  "You guys please go out now."

After he leaves, the doctor looks at his patient and says, "you are very lucky, Mr. Vidyunt, that you got such a caring family. Warna aajkal ke jamane mein tho Bhai Bhai nahi rehta..."

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