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The party was a quiet celebration, It was filled with classical music, men wore tuxedos and expressive suits and women wore gowns. I was proud of myself for what the dress I chose, it didn't particularly stand out from the rest of the women's gown but it was beautiful.

Eduardo found Marco Manici talking to his underboss, "Eduardo, you made it."

Eduardo nodded, "congratulations," he said flatly. I smiled and shook marco's hand. "Congratulations," he nodded at the both of us, "I have to go, some problems have arise, excuse me."

Eduardo took two glasses from the waiter that passed us by, he handed me one looking around, "stay beside me, are we clear?" I nodded, Catalina and Rea walked over to us.

"Aviva!" they squealed and I higher her, it had been almost a month and I was happy to see them after that crazy night. "Don Eduardo!" Catalina said, and he nodded in response.

"Happy belated birthday, sorry I couldn't visit, Marco wasn't a fan I f the stunt I pulled that day," she said and I shrugged.

"I get it. Where is Lorenzo anyways?" I looks around the room. He was nowhere to be found, weird, it was his engagement party after all.

"He had some business to attend, he would be running late, oh! The brides family are here... Excuse me!" Catalina walked over to them, I assumed to welcome them. I turned back to Eduardo, "this party is boring, can we go to the pool side, I need air."

"I can't leave here, Mikel will take you," I nodded and he spoke to Mikel that was just a few steps from us. I walked away, making my way out of the living room, through the hallways that led to the pool area. It was quite cold when I got there, I walked around the pool, rubbing my arm, feeling quite chilled.

My clothes was light and air passed through easily, the living room was stuffy even though it was chilled because of the air conditioner. My heels clicked as I watched the full moon.

My mind went back to what my aunt said, our lives were at risk?! What did she mean by that?! Am I supposed to believe that she told me that and she went back to feeding her cats?! Was Eduardo lying to me?! He had no reason to lie to me, he owed me nothing, he was doing all of this out of the goodwill of his heart nothing else. Maybe I was just overthinking things.

"Madam," Mikel called from the house, "the engagement is starting officially," I walked back toward him and we both entered the house back. We walked back go the living area and I found that Eduardo was on the other side, he was talking to Lorenzo and Marco, he had a frown on his face and his lips thinned as they replied him. He didn't look too happy about what they were discussing.

I walked toward him, "Eduardo," I placed my hand on his back and he relaxed, the tension in his face dissolved. He glared at Marco before turning back to me, "let's go." he pulled away from Marco and Lorenzo, we walked to the other side of the party and my eyes drifted around the party, there were a lot of strange faces here. I had not seen Lorenzo's finance yet but she seemed very important from I have heard from Catalina.

"Good evening everyone, can I have your attention please?" Marco started and the murmuring went down, we all turned and focused on him, he smiled.

"Thank you. Good evening once again, this party was organized to celebrate the union of the decade between my son Lorenzo Manici and the long lost daughter of the Gozales, I am cleaned that we are not only celebrating this engagement party but celebrating the return of the beloved heiress, Rosalia Gozales,"

He pointed at a woman had not realized at joined us, she stood next to Lorenzo, she was way shorter than him. The crowd started clapping, Lorenzo's face was blank and he seemed to be in a distant place, I wasn't sure he wanted to be here.

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