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"Thank you Lisa," I smiled and nodded at Lisa who walked out of the room. I turned back to the lawyers and looked at him. I decided to call more and more lawyers to look into the case. I started looking into it myself, I sat with about four to five lawyers for hours checking all possible way that they could get him out of what was happening.

Javier and Matteo was sited next to me, I watched them as they discussed in between themselves and talk about what they could do and how they could help Eduardo.

The situation was dire and it was looking like nothing was going my way, life was difficult but without Eduardo here, it would become worse. I did no want Eduardo in jail while I had our child, he had done too much for me, and could not just leave the state and abandon him, jsht like that. He did not look pleased seeing me, I was sure he told Javier to take me to Spain but I refused.

"So what can we do?" I asked for the umpteenth time, they looked at me, Maria removed her glasses, she and her associated have been here for a while now and I was truly thankful about everything she was doing for me.

"Aviva," she started, looking unhappy. I prepared myself mentally to sit through whatever she was going to tell me, "the state has pretty good case against Mr Reyes," she started.

"But he is innocent! He told me himself he is!" I argued, Maria looked away, "Philip, I need everyone out of here, I want to speak to Aviva alone," she said to her assistant.

Soon everyone was out of the place, I was left her alone with her, she closed her book, while her patiently waited for her to speak.

"Aviva," she started and took my hands that were on the table, "you have to understand that Eduardo was with weapons when they found him, he was in the house with men that were also armed."

"But that bullet did not come from his weapon!" I said again, "Aviva how do you know this?"

"Because he told me! Eduardo told me himself!"

"That doesn't mean anything! People lie all the time," I scoffed, "I know... I know that you trust him, he is the father of your child and all but fighting against the FBI is a pretty big deal, only a select few can go against their lawyers. From what I have seen they have been building a case against him for a while now."

"Eduardo did not kill that man I know it! I am very sure!" I said with determination. "Aviva you are being delusional! I know he is you father's child but..." she looked around, "Aviva that man is in the mafia! He is a criminal!" she whisperer furiously.

"I do not need you to tell me what he is, I need you to defend him and get hjn the fuck out of there! Can you fucking do that?" I asked her, furiously.

"Aviva you were my friend... If it is not..."

"Not what? You backstabbing me?" I asked, with a slight smirk. She sighd and closed her eyes, "it was an honest mistake, and I am sorry about what happened but Aviva I care about you! If I do not I will not be here trying to help you," I scoffed.

"I am paying you and your associates a quarter million to defend Eduardo so do not act like this is not about mummy and you actually care about me."

She sighed and pulled away, "I will see what I can do Aviva but this will be really difficult for me." I did not card, I have never ever cared.

I was paying her to get Edaurdo out of jail, I did not need her advice on my person life and who I should be involved myself with. .

"Great, I will see you in the morning, rise early so we can start early," I said nonchalantly and walked off. I stopped at the way and turned to get, she was packing her books, "and Maria, I do not need your advice in my personal life." Maria looked away and sighed.

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