Chapter 45: Contributions

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After the crowning ceremony, you're standing with Levi in the hall, waiting for Erwin and Hange. The dress you've been gifted fits you wonderfully, the waist is cinched, accentuating your figure, while the skirt flares out to give you a regal silhouette. The neckline is a flattering scoop, showing just the right amount of skin while the sleeves, long and fitted, add a touch of sophistication to your look. You run your hands over the delicate embroidery on the bodice, tracing the intricate patterns with your fingers as the silver threads glimmer in the light.
Your eyes flicker up to catch Levi's following your hands down your body, and he promptly brings them up to meet your gaze. He's exceptionally skilled at hiding whatever hunger he may be feeling for you, his face automatically bounces back to his signature stoic expression.

"I know she'll make an excellent queen, I have to find her after this, though. When I was underground, there were a lot of children who looked like they could use help. If there's one thing I could do for them, it's this." You begin telling him about your ideas for a program to help orphaned children from the underground get citizenship on the surface.

"Yeah.. I don't know what she would be able to do, there's steps to these things, not just a one person decision... but if there's any way that I can help, I will do my best."

You wonder if last night is on his mind as well, because it's all you've been able to think about the moment he left that door. When he woke up, he quickly dismissed himself and later met you and Hange at the ceremony, it seems that he skillfully evaded running into anyone on his way back to his room. Hange could tell that you were in a great mood, but you were able to convince her that it was just a proper nights sleep in the comfiest bed you've ever slept in.
Unfortunately, only higher ranking soldiers from the Garrison and MP were allowed to attend today, not even Nelson made the cut. You plan on writing to Noah as soon as you get back, hopefully arranging a visit with him to Trost to see your families. There's no doubt that right now, the city is buzzing with your latest victory.
The chatter of a group echoes from the end of the hall, your comrades are led by Historia, who can be heard shouting
"I'm not fit to be queen unless I do it!"
They're all smiling as they cheer her on.

You raise a brow at Levi before Historia stops directly in front of him, winds up her arm and punches him on the side. Nervous whispers break out amongst the group, before Levi finally cracks a smile, letting out a soft chuckle. They all burst out in laughter as Historia continues to taunt him.

"Thanks... all of you." Levi smiled, a true smile, one that showed up in his eyes. This might be the first time you, or any of them, have ever seen Levi smile.
Your heart aches for a moment as you consider all of what you've missed while they were away, all the memories they've made together while you were figuring things out under the surface. You feel like the outsider of your circle, a witness to the inside jokes that you lack understanding. But you force a smile because you're just grateful to be with them again.

"Historia... your majesty, I've been meaning to talk with you, do you have a minute?" You smile at the new queen, you haven't seen her this happy since Ymir was around.

"Yes, of course, (Y/N)." You follow her to the side, and begin to explain what you've seen underground.

There are so many orphaned children on the streets, suffering from poverty, forced to witness or fall victim to senseless and violent crimes. There's no one there to protect them, and you ask her what she could do to help, suggesting to start a program that helps them get citizenship above ground, and attend the schools here. She is horrified when you explain in detail how urgent this is.

"Forget the program, I will do everything I can to round up every last one of them, bringing them up here to stay with me. I'll find a way, (Y/N). Thanks for bringing this to my attention."

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