16. she told me to go to hell, so

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          A STRANGER. A TRAITOR. A cun—

       Koa Finch has a lot of choice words for Andrea Harrison.

       The blonde woman has her arms wrapped around Carol as they embrace each other. Sadie, Nellie and Koa all stand together, each sharing a different amount of distaste for her. Sadie hates it but a bit of sympathy sits in her chest for Andrea. Just like she once thought, Andrea believes that Woodbury is safe. It's a place where kids can grow up with some normalcy. She thinks The Governor is just a man trying his best in this fallen world.

       Koa is livid. Is it selfish to say she wishes Andrea was dead rather than a traitor? It would've made her life a whole lot easier.

     Andrea's eyes shift to Hershel and his lack of two legs. "Hershel, oh my God," She breathes out, separating from Carol, "I can't believe this. Where's Shane?" Andrea asks the million dollar question. Both Finch sister's stomachs drop at the mention of him, one falls deeper than the other.

        Andrea narrows her eyes on Sadie and then Koa, then back to Sadie and the cycle continues until her face pales with realization.

       "Sadie...you're Shane's older niece he always mentioned?" Andrea asks, stepping closer to the teen. Sadie steps back, arms crossed, trying to act unphased. He mentioned her a lot? How much so even when he was losing himself?

        With no response from Sadie, Andrea looks around how to see saddened looks across everyone's faces. With a simple distraught nod of Rick's head, Andrea knows Shane Walsh is dead.

           "Why? Wanna hook up with him again? Might be difficult considering decomposition," Koa sasses, jaw clenched as she stares down Andrea. The older woman sucks in a sharp breath at the comment. She clears her throat, "And Lori?" Andrea asks. Koa's teeth grind against each other.

     Lori's screams echo her head. Her eyes fall on Carl who's already looking at his sister figure, blue eyes that tell Koa he's thinking about that day all over again as well.

            "She had a girl. Lori didn't survive," Hershel explains, "Neither did T-Dog."

           "I'm so sorry," Andrea apologizes, "Carl," She says with pity but the boy stays emotionless. She then looks at Koa. Hazel orbs that look like she's trying to explode Andrea with just a look.


         "Save it," Koa cuts her off, "Your type in men is obviously a horrible one and your sympathies will only get you so far." Andrea closes her once parted lips. Everywhere she looks, trying to express her feelings for all their losses, the people she once called family don't spare her a glance. She's betrayed them. Slept with the enemy—again.

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