Chapter 12

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I kept ferrying wood until we had enough to last us all night. In the corner, Marissa tended the campfire and the pot of soup.

Ben walked to the edge of the roof and looked down as the sky started to darken. He looked back over his shoulder, "That fire and the smell of cooking isn't going to lure in too many zombies, right?"

I walked over to look around. No zombies were in sight. I took a deep breath to test the air, "There aren't any zombies upwind, but a few downwind may come. There shouldn't be too many in this area since it is pretty remote. Zombies prefer to congregate in larger towns and cities. You have to pull the main doors of this hotel to open them and they are made of wood, so the average zombie or Runner can't get in."

Hank came up behind us, "And if a Nightstalker comes?"

I chuckled darkly, "Nightstalkers don't appreciate company and I have one trick that should make any Nightstalker in the area keep their distance. It might scare the crap out of everyone here though."

Nicky came up as well, "Well, whatever it is, you better do it. I don't want a feral one to come to visit." She was a bit grouchy. The day's heat must have really taken a toll on her.

I grinned showing my teeth in a predatory grin, "You were warned. The noise you'll hear is me, so don't freak out. I will be back shortly."

I jumped off the roof again and headed for the trees in my smooth, running crouch. I paused in a clearing some distance away and looked up at the darkening sky. Most Nightstalkers gave their territorial scream as soon as they came out. The sun had halfway set, but it would be a couple of hours before any ferals came out.

The first Nightstalker to come out and scream generally claimed that hunting range. It was similar to the First Strike rule in a way. Although if one came close enough to scent the humans, the scream wouldn't stop it from hunting them. If they hadn't come close enough to smell the humans, then they would move further away.

I let my instincts come to the front of my mind and filled my lungs before loosing the signature cry of a Nightstalker. I had more or less claimed the town as mine for any Nightstalkers within hearing range. Hopefully none would come close enough to scent the humans. I headed back to the others and went through the front door before heading to the roof.

Nicky huffed as I took a chair, "What exactly did that accomplish?"

Yep. She wasn't in a good mood. Hopefully a good night's sleep would help her. Otherwise I might end up strangling her. I growled a light reprimand for her tone of voice, "That was a Nightstalker territorial scream. First one to scream generally gets their pick of a hunting range for that night. Any that heard it will avoid this area. I will probably repeat it again in the middle of the night for any that are wandering through."

My growl didn't faze her. She glowered at me, "That seems stupid."

Ben rolled his eyes at her, "If it works, that is all that matters. You are just crabby because it scared you so badly."

She turned her head to face him. I bet she was glaring at him from behind her sunglasses, "It did not scare me."

Ben chuckled, "Right, you jumped just as much as everyone else did." He turned to me, "I don't think any warning could have prepared us for that. Most of us jumped so high that we ended up standing instead of sitting."

I didn't bother replying. The last thing I needed was for Ben to get going on a roll. The sun had halfway set and the sunset seemed rather spectacular although I wasn't able to really look at it. "Soup's ready." Marissa handed everyone a bowl and there was more than enough for seconds. I didn't manage to finish the bowl I was handed and let Chloe finish it off. Animals were not affected by the virus.

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