Chapter 138

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It did not surprise anyone that I was heading out early. I made sure to tell them to not expect me back until dawn. My footsteps were silent as I moved through the forest that was growing darker as the sun approached the horizon.

I felt the instant the sun touched the horizon. It was like an invisible shiver as my instincts once more stirred and started to strengthen. I remained in the shadows of the trees as I gazed at the silent forest around me as the light dimmed and the shadows grew darker.

It was sometimes interesting to just stand and watch the night come. There is a unique stillness that comes certain evenings when no trace of breeze can be felt and one can literally feel the air getting cooler. It was almost peaceful even with my instincts rousing to their full strength.

I remained in that spot until I felt the last of the sun disappear below the horizon. My instincts picked through every scent they could locate. They were particularly interested in the wildlife after not hunting last night.

The sun had set and night had fallen. The night belonged to me. I started moving through the trees silently.


I slowly headed back toward the fence. The sun had cleared the horizon, so I had been out later than I ever had before. It was almost time for breakfast and people were starting to stir.

I tossed the radio to the guards above and headed toward the secondary building. Luke spotted me as he and John came out of the building, "Good morning Trinity. I assume nothing exciting happened last night?"

"Pretty quiet. One less elk though." I kept a subtle watch on John and was entertained by the range of emotions that crossed his face as my words and their meaning sunk in. Sometimes messing with the minds of humans was endlessly amusing when they were once more reminded that someone was a zombie even if they looked, and mostly acted, human.

Luke didn't see his brother's face, "Oh, good. I heard the cooks were hoping to make more elk jerky."

I shrugged, "I put it by the road and flagged it. The gate sentries know I left it there and they were going to send someone off to collect it."

John was somewhat disturbed and confused. I was positive that the moment I was out of sight that he was going to be getting his brother to explain a few things. Like why someone would eat meat from a zombie kill.

Luke was about to speak before a shout from above interrupted him.

"We are going to have a party today!"

Luke paled slightly, "Was that Nicky?"

I narrowed my eyes at the open window that the wild voice had come out of. I knew that tone of voice. "Unfortunately. To make things worse, the chains on her mood swing just broke. Run."

I made good on my own advice as I darted down the street into an open garage where I could more easily hide in the shadows. I peered out of my hiding place in the shadows along the back wall. John was still standing there looking confused. Luke looked faintly worried, possibly as to why I would pull such a disappearing act, although he hadn't connected the dots yet.

That's right. He has never seen Nicky take a trip to the wildside before. Other people down the street needed no additional explanation. Most had heard Nicky's announcement and were already making themselves scarce. They knew what was coming.

How the hell can she pull an insanity blitz the first morning after we return? Was she trying to remind people that she was back? I growled faintly with my growing irritation. My morning had been going so well until now.

The front door flew open to reveal a wild-eyed Nicky. Her untamed hair had clearly not been brushed yet and she still wore her pjs. She grinned crazily at the two unfortunate men who had not been fast enough to move away from where they had been standing in front of the building.

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