Chapter 21

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I saw Nicky and Ben run out toward the road in the distance waving their arms. Well, that made it easy to find them. Daniel would have heard the motor and alerted them. I slowed as I approached them, grinning widely. I put it in park and turned it off before hopping out.

Hank winced, "Diesels prefer to run. Turning them on and off frequently is hard on them."

I shrugged, "Well, you get to drive now. There is half a tank and more in some jerrycans in the back."

Nicky bounced up and down, "Awesome! I don't have to walk anymore. Is there a beer in the back by chance?!"

I snorted, "No, but there are some trail bars and a mattress."

She somehow managed to jump up and scramble over the side of the tall truck in her eagerness to locate the trail bars. I shook my head, "They are in the green bag, you can pass one to everyone."

Hank checked the inside of the truck, "Same arrangement as last time?"

Tom nodded, "Sounds good to me."

Ben groaned, "Do I really have to sit back there with those two? I was waiting for them to go at each other's throats all morning."

Daniel snorted, "Be happy we didn't throw you off the truck. If you so much as touch another can of beans, we will be having words."

I chuckled, Daniel had been directly across from Ben and even the wind that whirled around the truck box hadn't spared him the smell. Then again, if Nicky could smell it, it was a given that any zombie could. His beans had mostly run out, so our air supply was more or less safe.

Chloe was all for another truck ride with humans. The rest of us took up the same spots we had last time. Nina was eyeing me up eagerly even before Hank started the truck. I pulled my hood over my head to shade my glasses and hunkered down as I watched the scenery pass by in a futile attempt to avoid Nina.

Daniel seemed to find my evasive actions amusing since he started chuckling. Nina also sounded amused, "By the way, pretending to ignore me isn't going to work. I know how good your hearing is."

I sighed, "Can I pretend to be asleep?"

Nina chuckled, "I know it isn't possible for you to sleep in these conditions."

I growled in faint annoyance before turning to look at Daniel, "If you can get her to leave me in peace, I did find something at that farm that you will really appreciate."

He looked curious and sent a questioning look at Nina. Nina crossed her arms with a faint huff, "Fine, I won't ask her any questions until sundown. The things I do for you..."

Daniel grinned at her in thanks before looking back at me in curiosity. I dug through my backpack and tossed the box toward him. He must have good eyesight, since he managed to read the box midair and promptly opened it as he caught it. Nina leaned over to pick up the now-empty box. She blinked in surprise before glancing at me. I guess she had no clue that Daniel had told me his weakness.

Daniel skimmed the manual quickly before hooking the solar panel up to the flashlight. Once it was charging he turned his attention back to me. He gave me an honest and grateful smile, "Thank you."

I nodded and turned my head to watch as we passed a zombie. It had been worth it just to evade Nina for a few hours. I glanced back at him, "By the way, if you ever point that at my face, I will beat you black and blue with it, and then take it away from you."

He growled at my threat and I bared my teeth in response. Nina looked worried about the possibility of a fight for a moment, but Daniel surprised all of us as he started chuckling. Nina gave him an odd look. That made two of us, I had expected another growl before he subsided. I did not expect him to find my idle threat amusing.

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