Chapter 75

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I passed a bag of trail mix to Nicky, which she took with a groan as she lay on the grass. I carried the snacks just to use as bribes for her. The morning had passed quietly into the early afternoon. I had managed to keep out of Nicky's line of fire, not that it had helped her aim any.

She still hadn't managed to shoot anything yet despite dozens of rabbits taunting her. I sat on a log and watched her in amusement. Nicky had asked me to track down some rabbits for her and I had used my nose to cheat, so it wasn't like we had been having trouble locating the numerous furry critters.

I looked up and examined the tree above me. "So exactly how did your arrow get up there?"

Nicky glared at the arrow, "I refuse to answer that question."

I smirked, but didn't comment. Her coffee high had given way to grouchiness some time ago. She closed her eyes as she rested in the warm sunshine in the clearing. I sat silently as I kept tabs on the scents and sounds of the forest around us.

Nicky's breathing evened out as she fell asleep. I quietly climbed the tree to retrieve the arrow. If I hadn't seen her watching the rabbit, I would have assumed that she had been trying to shoot a squirrel. Nicky may do passably well on a stationary target, but moving animals were an entirely different ballgame.

I put the arrow back in her quiver and carefully scanned the forest around me. We had circled this forest several times and I knew there were no big predators nearby. We hadn't found any zombies either. I did smell some deer nearby though.

With a glance at Nicky I started moving through the trees. She would be fine for five minutes. I circled the clearing a few times to ensure it was safe before heading toward the deer. I watched from the trees as the deer approached. How thoughtful of them to come find us.

We really did need to have something to show for being gone most of the day, although the people would probably be more than happy to just have Nicky gone when she was like this. Each of the three does had fawns and I didn't want to take any of them. My attention turned to the two young bucks that were traveling with them. Taking a young buck wouldn't hurt the population any.

The wind was in my favor, so they had no clue about the danger they were walking into. I climbed halfway up a tree and waited with endless patience as they followed the deer trail. The deer didn't realize the danger until I launched out of my hiding spot.

A swift blow easily shattered the buck's neck with my momentum and it fell to the leaf littered ground as the other deer scattered in a panic. The sun was in the sky and I had no desire for its blood after what that drug did to me. I snorted before gutting the deer and leaving the entrails for some scavenger to enjoy.

I hefted the deer on my shoulder before returning to the clearing. I put the deer on the back of the side by side. Nicky was still sleeping, unaware that I had even left for a few minutes. I resumed my seat on the log and looked around in boredom.

I leaned back against the trunk of a tree and closed my eyes. I hadn't slept since yesterday. It wasn't easy to sleep during the day in the open, but I managed a light doze as half my mind tracked every sound and scent.

A distant rumble of thunder made me open my eyes. I had smelled the small storm approaching on the humid air, but our time was now up. We had to start heading back if we didn't want to get rained on. It must be the week for thunderstorms.

I stood up and walked over to Nicky, "There is a storm coming. We have to go."

She groaned and rolled over before pulling part of the blanket she was laying on over her head. Great. It is going to be one of these days. I walked over to the side by side before reclining the passenger seat as far as it would go.

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