Chapter 5...

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"Just be quick Lydia. In and out." I mumbled to myself as I stared at the front doors to Landon's ice rink-Hockey Haven.

It was 3:30 pm the next day and I was already dreading saying yes to doing this. As long as he behaves and isn't a complete asshole this shouldn't be that bad. If we don't kill each other in the meantime.

My hands fidgeted with the ends of my jacket. I decided to go business casual today- a pair of white slim jeans, a silky pink blouse and matching suit jacket. I paired it with beige heels to try and make it a bit more...fancy. I needed to keep it business like today because that is what this was. As long as I had that mindset I should be fine.

That and I also wanted to look good. Did I want Landon to eat his heart out at the sight of me? Yes. I was going to show him that his words didn't affect me and that I was a boss ass bitch. Well that may be a bit of a stretch.

Taking a deep breath I grabbed the door handle and stepped inside. Best to get this over with.

Having been here a few times I made my way through the lobby towards the back where the rink was. I followed the sound of voices, my heels clicking loudly against the floor.

I hated to admit it but this was place was pretty great. The front lobby showcasing trophies the little league and junior league hockey teams have won here at Hockey Haven. Pictures of the teams, kids, families, even pictures of The Knights hung on the wall.

Walking out into the rink I was hit with cold air. Always forget just how cold this place gets. My eyes immediately went to the figures on the ice. I knew instantly Landon by his big frame. That and the small kids surrounding him was a dead giveaway.

"Can I help you?" I didn't realize I was staring until the new voice jerked my head to the side. A girl who didn't look older than 19 stood behind the rental desk, looking at me curiously.

"Just looking for Landon."

"He's just finishing up practice. Should only be a few more minutes." The girl said politely.

"Thanks." I sent her a small smile in return. Seeing as he'll be a few minutes I slowly made my way towards the side of the rink. Parents hung around talking as their kids finished up practice.

Unable to help myself my eyes went back to the ice. I watched as Landon squatted down, little kids surrounding him in their cute little uniforms. Whatever he was saying had the kids nodding. I tried to ignore the flutter in my stomach at the sight of him with the kids.

Nope, stay strong Lydia. Doesn't matter how cute it is that he is sweet to kids, or how great his ass looks squatting like that.

To distract myself I grabbed my phone and pulled up the questions Josie sent over last night. There was a good 20 questions but half are simple. Should take about twenty minutes if not sooner if we're quick about it.

The sound of kids yelling had me looking up. My lips twitched as the group waved their hands in the air. A couple of them took off skating down the ice, pushing and shoving each other. It was clear as day the kids loved coming here. I made a mental note to have Josie add that to the article.

I moved off to the side as the kids left the ice, greeting their parents loudly. The smile on their faces were contagious as they talked animately about practice. Their parents nodded along to everything they said as they helped take their gear off.

I glanced back onto the ice, finding Landon talking to a few parents near the boards. I wasn't sure if Josie told him I was coming but I got my answer not even a minute later. As if feeling my eyes on him Landon's head turned in my direction, surprise crossing his face.

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