Chapter 14....

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"Good morning, boss." One of my favorite employees, Emily, greeted me as she walked into the ice rink on Friday.

"Morning Emily." I said back, looking up from the paperwork on my desk.

"What's on the schedule today?" The 18 year old asked as she leaned against the doorway. The recently graduated teen has been working for me the last two years. She's one of the hardest working kids I've ever met. Coming in everyday, staying later than she needs to, always making sure the rink was in top shape.

Emily's currently going to Uni here in Toronto and despite me telling her she doesn't need to come in all the time she still does. I make sure she's paid pretty well so she can buy her textbooks and stuff.

"We have a team practice at 2 o'clock for the Junior League since we have a game Tuesday. And then around 4 we have practice for littles." I said as I sat back in my chair. While the bigger kids had actual practice, the littles were here to learn to skate and hold a stick.

Since I opened the doors at 9 this morning there's only been a handful of people coming in to skate on their own but in the next two hours this place was going to be packed with kids. The mornings are typically quieter with the kids in school but as soon as school is out kids love to flock here. Summer and Winter break there's a constant stream of kids through the doors.

"Should I get the sticks and pucks all ready?" Emily asked.

"That would be great. If you can put the cones on the ice too."

"Got it boss." Before she left she peaked her head back into the room. "Who was the pretty blonde that was in here the other day? You two seemed cozy."

I narrowed my eyes at her which only made her smirk.

"Were you watching us?"

"You two were right in front of the desk. Of course I watched." She gave me a look that only teens give. "So?"

"None of your business." I crossed my arms leveling her with a look.

"She's really pretty."

Yes she is.

I can still see her bent over my couch as I fucked her. The way she moaned my name when she came. Just thinking about the way she took everything I gave her made me hard.

Now is not the time. I mentally scolded myself.

"And?" I asked, trying to keep those dirty images out of my head. Thinking about fucking Lydia was the last thing I needed to be doing right now. Not when I had a teenager in front of me and an ice rink about to be filled with little kids.

"Nothing." Emily shrugged. "You two look cute together." Without another word she turned on her heel and left my office. I stared at the space she just occupied as her words sunk in.

Did we look cute together? I wasn't sure if I was ready to look closely at that question. What Lydia and I were doing was fun. It was a no strings attached thing that was working for both of us. We met each others physical needs. The sex was phenomenal. Probably the best I've ever had. But that's all it was. Sex.

Pretty sure that's how Lydia viewed it as well. I may not be a genius but I could tell she had her walls up. Something's happened to make her closed off from people, relationships included. So no, I don't think she is seeing this as anything more than sex.

Why did that thought fill my stomach with lead? I didn't want anything more either. Relationships and I don't go. I'm fine having one night stands occasionally. Living my life the way I want without worrying about disappointing anyone. This arrangement worked perfectly for both of us.

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