Chapter 13....

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Happy Reading my smut lovers 

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"Look what I bought us." Tasha whispered beside me on the couch. Behind me Sydni and Josie were busy making us margaritas as we got ready to watch the guys on TV play their next hockey game.

Leaning in Tasha showed me her phone with a wide grin. On the screen were four sashes, each one with a different saying. One was obviously Josie's saying 'Wifey Material'. The others said; 'Designated Drunk', 'Bad Influence', and 'Sexy and Single'.

I snorted, not at all surprised that Tasha got these for Josie's Bachelorette party.

"I take it you're the 'Bad Influence' one?"

"Of course." She shot me a grin. I knew I was the 'Sexy and Single' one since no one else in our group was single. "They come later this week so it will be perfect timing for the party."

"She's gonna love it." Josie really will. She still had no idea what we were planning. Pretty sure she thinks we are just going to do a small girls night or something.

"Margaritas!" Sydni cheered as her and Josie came back into the living room. Tasha quickly put her phone away before grabbing a glass.

We were at Sydni's new place to watch the game. Since the game was an away one and on a Tuesday, after we all got off work we decided to come over and make it a girls night. If it wasn't so chilly out we would have been in the pool.

"Thank you." I eagerly took the one Josie handed me. It was Sydni's margarita recipe. I don't know what she does but whatever it is makes it one of the best margaritas I've ever had. Whenever we had girls night we all begged her to make a batch.

Once we were all settled on the couch, waiting for the game to start, I felt eyes turn to me.

"You've been a bit MIA lately." Josie remarked, glancing at me over the rim of her glass. I had a feeling they'd notice my lack of responding the last few days. I've been...busy the last few days.

After waking up Saturday morning thinking Landon had left, I didn't expect to spend the entire weekend being fucked on every surface in my apartment. The two of us stopped long enough to get something to drink and eat before we were on each other again. It was like we opened a gate where we couldn't get enough.

Next thing I knew it was Sunday afternoon and Landon needed to head home. Neither of us had planned on him staying the whole weekend but I wasn't complaining. Not when I was the most satisfied I've ever been.

Since I was so wrapped up in Landon over the weekend, literally and figuratively, when Monday came around I had a shit ton of work to do. I barely saw Josie and hadn't replied to our girl group chat.

"Sorry work has been crazed." Which wasn't a lie. I was finalizing the deal to put the magazine in stores, working on the next issue, and trying to fend off the other magazine company that wouldn't take no for an answer. I wasn't planning on telling anyone about Landon and I. We were just having fun, plus it wasn't anyones business.

"Business is picking up huh?" Tasha asked.

"It has. Just this weekend we've had at least 10 business's wanting to be featured in the magazine."

"So what exactly happens when someone wants to be featured?"

Leaning back in the couch I started to explain.

"We look at the business/company and see what they are about. We try to stay away from huge popular stores because they are already known and don't need us. Then depending on the store or even the event, we'll ask for a small fee to be featured. If we come across a small family business we'll feature them for free. Kind of just depends." I took a sip of my drink.

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