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I watched her lay on the hospital bed. She had needles injected into her arms, her forehead was bandaged and the same with her legs and feet. She had been running in the woods bare feet and got them scratched up badly. The same with her legs.

Her entire body was bruised and slowly starting to show discoloration.

“When will she wake up?” I asked Mikka  while she changed Elsa’s bandages. It had already been over twenty-four hours and she still hasn’t made any sign of waking up.

“It’s hard to tell… Her body shut down and is trying its best to recover after experiencing trauma. And with the blood loss too, I wouldn’t be surprised if she needed another day or two.” Mikka  sighed and I gave a short nod.

I couldn’t help myself but look down at Mikka ’s small baby bump and then look at Elsa’s flat stomach.

My chest tightened at the sight.

I averted my eyes and looked out at the window, trying to shut down from feeling anything at the moment.

But fucking hell, it was hitting hard.

I was happy for Antonio and his wife. Still, the universe was laughing in my fucking face by doing this to me. I knew was being punished for every fucking sin I had committed.

Punishing me for every single life I had killed and taken pleasure in doing so.

And the worst one of it all, I was being punished through the one.I loved. And the universe took away our baby.

How could this happen? How could I let this happen to her when I promised I would protect her?

I turned to look at the door when it opened, seeing Arianna stepping inside, carrying a bag with her and Giovanni followed right after. Giovanni’s eyes immediately went to look at Elsa, his fist clenching as he looked around her face.

He had lost it when he landed and found out what happened. Logan, too, went furious when he saw the blood. It made me realize how close she had become with my men and the way they had come to care for her.

It was impossible not to.

She had that effect on people. She was lovable and caring to everyone, giving the need to protect her pure soul at all costs. Giovanni didn’t want to leave her side and the furthest he would go was outside the door.

I had the entire area heavily guarded. I wasn’t taking any chances now, and I couldn’t risk another surprise attack while Elsa  was trying to recover.

“I’ve brought you some clothes.” Arianna said and placed the bag on the floor.

“Nicholas , you need to get yourself cleaned up and get some

“I’m not leaving her.” I snapped. I was still in the same clothes and most of me was still covered in blood. But I couldn’t leave her..I felt like if I let her out of my sight for two seconds, she would die.

“She can’t see you like that when she wakes up, and you need to get some sleep. You won’t be much of a help if you pass out from sleep deprivation.” She talked softly to me and I knew she was right. I didn’t want her to wake up only to see me like this and make her panic. But that would mean I had to get out of the room and down the corridor to be able to take a shower.

“We’ll be here.” Giovanni assured me and after a while, I gave them a nod.

“Let me just have a look at your arm first.” Mikka  said once she was done with Elsa . I got slashed pretty deep on my arm and had to get stitched up.

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