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My brows pinched together as I looked at his unmoving body on the ground. I stopped in front of him, nudging him with my foot before a groan came out of him. I watched him struggle to stand up, seeing just how badly he was beaten up. His face was covered in cuts, bruises, and blood. His arm was wrapped around his ribs. It was most likely broken just seeing the  condition he was in.

Asher winced as he slumped against the car, breathing heavily before he met my gaze.

“What are you doing here?” I stared at him blankly, waiting for him to speak.

“I… Shit – Elsa.”

“You’re too late.” I scoffed.

“I tried… to warn…” He kept groaning out in pain, on the verge of passing out.

“You’re wasting my time. Get the fuck off my property.” Asher slumped to the ground again and I signaled for my men to get moving.

“I know where they are.” Now, that got my attention and I turned to look back at him. He was struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Do you believe he knows something?” Antonio came to stand next to me as he looked at Asher suspiciously.

“He called Elsa in Italy but she hung up before he could tell her what he wanted. He never called back, and now I know why.”

“He’s Geotano’s right-hand man. It could be one of Geotano’s games to throw us off.”

“I know.” I replied as we stared at him. Geotano was power- hungry and desperate, and he had already shown us the lengths he would go to get what he wanted. Asher could be a setup; to give us information to let us think we have an advantage only for Geotano to wipe us out entirely when we arrive.

“Get him some medical attention.” I ordered, and Antonio glanced at me.

“If what he has to say matches with what we have found out already, it will help us prepare logistics. If not, put a bullet in his head.” I said. Time was ticking, and I was going to take advantage of whatever valuable information I could get my hands on.

Logan  and Giovanni went over and grabbed Asher’s arms, lifting him, and not bothering to be gentle. A grim expression set on my face, my jaw clenching at the sound of multiple screeching sounds coming in our direction. I grabbed Asher by the collar, slamming him against the car and making him wince.

“Who the fuck did you bring?” I sneered at him. He was in too much pain to answer. I let go of him and he fell to the ground.

Every single one of my men was ready, aiming and waiting in the direction of where the intruders would come from.

“Fire!” Bullets went flying ahead, hitting the cars that were coming in and trying to form a circle around us to cage us. But I wouldn’t let them get the chance, and the firing increased until they had to come to a stop. The cars were bulletproof but we could still hold them back by not giving them a chance to shoot at us.

But something was wrong.

I held my hand up to signal them to stop firing. No movements were attempted from the cars, having me narrow my eyes at them.

“Take cover!” I ordered and drew out my gun. The cars formed a shield, blocking our bullets for more cars to arrive behind them. Men came out from the cars, taking cover and aiming their guns at us. But they were still not firing.

Rage filled my body when I saw who it was. He made his way to me with a dark look on his face.

“Where the fuck is she?!” He shouted furiously and my jaw clenched. I saw red and went to stop right before his face with a sinister look. He aimed his gun right at my head and I did the same to him.

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