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“He fucking grabbed her ass. There is no way they’re related. What kind of fucking sick pervert would do that to their niece?” Giovanni spat out as we made our way to the altar. It was taking everything to keep myself in check, and not empty my gun on her so-called uncle’s face.

“I should have fucking killed him that day.” I said, clenching my jaw. The only reason I didn’t was that I knew their days. were numbered in the first place. I needed to have this deal go through because, at the time, I was still working on getting to know the infrastructure of their organization. I needed to know how they were operating and who they were involved with to take them all down.

And now, it turned out to be a greater deal than it was ever supposed to be in the first place.

“He’s mine. I’ve waited a long time to end his life after everything he did to Tessa. The fucking years of abuse.” Dante  stated. It had not been easy to keep him at bay but I promised him, once everything was over, he could do  whatever he pleased with Tessa’s father for the years of abuse she had gone through.

“I want that DNA test done as soon as possible.” I ordered them.

“Is it necessary with a DNA test? Just after what she said is good enough proof to me.” Logan commented.

“It is. Because after tonight, we’re shutting down his  organization and ending this once and for all. The DNA test is proof for Elsa  to see because I will need to come clean with everything.” I have been gathering proof to show her everything that had been going on, and who had been behind the attacks.

I only told her a small fraction, giving her the impression that I was letting her in on this. It was just enough to feed her  curiosity. If she knew what really had been going on, she would want to get involved or do it on her own, knowing how reckless she could be. I couldn’t have that happening.

Elsa  wasn’t going to take it easy to learn her entire life has been a lie, and the one she saw as a father, has been trying to get rid of her and her mother. Her mother had hidden her true identity and only allowed Elsa to see her as a regular, single mother. Who else knew what kind of crap she has been hiding? Her mother was mysterious and not one who should  be underestimated.

I also knew that once coming clean with everything, Elsa was going to be pissed at me. Maybe even hate me for what I have done and kept from her. But this was something I had to do in order to protect her and carry out this plan. If it did come down to that, I would have to live with the fact that she hates me. But at least she would be alive. And that was what mattered to me. To have her alive, safe, and happy.

“Everything is ready and everyone is in position. We’ll be waiting for your signal.” Antonio informed me and I gave a firm nod.

“Good. I want anyone vulnerable out of here as soon as I give the signal.” My Nonna and mother were present and I wanted  them out of here along with Elsa, Tessa, and whoever wasn’t fit to fight and needed protection. Even though I had been training her and she was quite impressive already with her skills and with her creative thinking, this was a different kind of fight and nothing I wanted her to witness.

The plan was to trap them inside the castle. It was easier to have them locked in one place to have complete control over the situation. I wasn’t going to play games anymore but I still wanted to take him down as quietly as possible to avoid a bigger war. My men were my responsibility and I wanted to do this with minimal casualties on my side.

My father was right that this has gone on for too long already. We were supposed to take down Geotano months ago. Quick and easy after gaining his trust and giving a false belief of he could have access to my weaponry.

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