Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Do you not have a wife and five kids to help her look after? Why are you always over here?" Fahayra asked Joe as she found him sitting in her living room, watching television.

"This is my home too, Fahayra, I have the right to be here whenever I want," Joe answered.

Fahayra nods.

"I'll just put it up for sale then," Fahayra said.

"I wish you would," Joe said.

"Why won't you leave me alone, Joe? You got a wife. How long are you going to string me along? Huh? Am I going to be your sidechick for the rest of our lives or until you find someone else to replace me?" Fahayra asked him.

Joe stood up and pulled her into a hug.

"You're not my sidechick. I love you, Fahayra, I can not replace you in my life. Just be patient with me, please," Joe answered.

Fahayra's eyes glisten with unshed tears.

"I can't, Joe. I've given you way too much of me. We're not kids anymore. Whatever fantasy you're holding onto with me, let it go and let me go," Fahayra said.

Joe's hand strokes her back.

"I can't, Fahayra," Joe said.

"Why not?" Fahayra asked him.

"Because you're the one I love, the one I want," Joe answered firmly.

"Then prove it or let me leave," Fahayra said.

Fahayra looks up at him.

"Until you do right by me, stay away. Don't come around me especially not with her," Fahayra said.

"What about the kids?" Joe asked.

"You can still see them, but you will not use them to have access to me," Fahayra told him.

Joe's hand comes up and cups her cheek, he leans in and presses a soft kiss to her lips

"I promise you, I'll do right by you," Joe said.

Fahayra looks at Joe, her eyes searching his for any sign of truth. She sighed. She is stupid to be hopeful that Joe will leave Galina. But a small part of her is praying he does. The other part of her is telling her to run and don't look back.

Joe takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for everything I put through. I should have done right by you since the beginning," Joe said.

Fahayra's heart bursts. Joe's words are pulling her back in. The love she has for him is unhealthy. She loves him more than she loves herself at this point. The man who had been through so much with her.

"Thank you," Fahayra said.

"Don't leave me," Joe whispered.

"I need some time to think," Fahayra said.

Fahayra takes a deep breath, unsure of how to walk away from all of this, especially him. Could she have the strength to leave Joe for good?

"I'm here, Fahayra, I will always be here for you," Joe told her.



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fahayramattio This woman 👑💜
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Fahayra is set up on a blind date with a guy named Kylen by Tanya.

She tells Kylem she wants someone supportive, and confident, and wants a family, and she's open to dating outside her race.

Unfortunately, Fahayra is feeling him, but the date gets cut short when Joe shows up and practically drags Fahayra out of the restaurant.

"That was fucked up, Joe, what if someone saw you?" Fahayra asked him as Joe drives her somewhere.

"If you had answered my calls I wouldn't have to do that," Joe answered.

Fahayra rolled her eyes.

"What part of give me space did you not understand?" She asked him.

"The part where you thought I would give you space," Joe replied.

"Asshole and where are we going? This isn't the way to the house," She said.

"If you had read the text messages I sent you, you would know that I have a date planned for us," He told her.

Fahayra crossed her arms over her chest.

"Take me home, Joe, now," She said.

"No," He said.

Joe had set up a boat date. Joe parks the car near the dock and helps Fahayra out of the car and onto the boat with a bottle of champagne and roses.

"Why would you do this?" She asked him.

"Because I want you to know I'm serious about us. I'm going to do everything right for us," He answered.

"It's a little too late to do everything right, Joe," She said.

"It's never too late, Fahayra," He said.

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