Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

All hell broke loose when Joe returned home after crushing Fahayra's date and taking her on a boat ride. Galina had Joe's bank statements printed out in disbelief as she saw all the transactions.

She had a feeling that he had a mistress but the proof was hurtful. Joe walked into their bedroom where Galina threw the papers in his face.

"How could you?" Galina asked.

Joe stared down at the papers in confusion. "What's all this?" Joe asked.

"Proof of you cheating on me for years," Galina answered.

Joe was shocked. "What the hell are you doing going through my bank statements?" Joe asked her angrily.

Galina pointed a finger at him. "You have no right to be getting mad right now. How could you, Joe? Everything we had together and this is how you do me," Galina said.

Joe kissed his teeth. "We can still have everything, if you just mind your business," Joe told her as he walked away from her and into the bathroom.

Galina was shocked. This wasn't the reaction she was hoping for from Joe. She thought he would be begging her to forgive him.

Galina followed him into the bathroom. "So, you think it's okay to be cheating on your wife, who has been by your side through everything?" Galina asked Joe.

Joe started brushing his teeth, ignoring Galina.

Galina punched his shoulder. "I'm talking to you," Galina said.

Rather than being remorseful, Joe callously dismissed her pain and suggested she should have turned a blind eye to his cheating if she wanted to preserve their marriage.

Blindsided by Joe's complete lack of empathy, the ugly truth of Joe's duplicitous nature shattered the illusion of their happy marriage beyond repair.

Galina was left reeling in the aftermath of confronting her husband Joe about his infidelity. What she had hoped would be a heartfelt discussion to save their crumbling marriage instead devolved into cruelty and callousness from Joe.

As Galina laid in bed that night with tears streaming down her face, Joe groaned with annoyance and told her to stop crying. His cold detachment stunned Galina; who was this stranger lying next to her? How could the man who once professed his undying love and commitment treat her with such indifference now that she discovered his betrayal?

"Who is she?" Galina choked out between sobs, desperate to understand what woman had captured Joe's devotion so completely that he would discard his wife without remorse.

But Joe refused to reveal anything, simply stating Galina must choose whether to stay or leave. Each word was like a dagger to Galina's heart.

The Joe she knew and loved would have fought fiercely for their relationship, yet this Joe didn't seem to care at all anymore.

When she accused him of not fighting for "us," his response shattered her - he claimed there hadn't been an "us" for years. They were merely clinging to the pretense of a marriage because it was what others expected.

As Galina cried into her pillow, she realized the marriage she cherished had been over for some time now without her even knowing. Joe's cheating and cruelty simply exposed the facade.

The next morning, Galina woke up with a newfound determination coursing through her veins. For too long, she had turned a blind eye to Joe's infidelity, preferring the comfort of denial over the pain of truth.

But no more - today, she would finally confront the harsh reality that another woman had replaced her in Joe's heart.

Galina went downstairs, a woman on a mission, and began cooking breakfast for her family. She wanted everything to seem normal, to avoid worrying the kids before school. So she made pancakes and bacon, their favorite, while inside her mind raced with nervous anticipation.

Who was this mystery mistress? What would she be like? Feisty and bold, or meek and ashamed? Once the kids were bundled off to school, blissfully unaware of the impending confrontation, Galina steeled her nerves and climbed the stairs.

Sure enough, there was Joe, hunched over his phone, quietly informing the other woman that Galina had discovered their affair.

Galina sighed, a mixture of vindication and sadness washing over her. So it was true after all. She tapped Joe on the shoulder, startling him. "I want to meet her. Tell her to come over here," Galina demanded, her voice steely but trembling slightly.

Joe grimaced, clearly uncomfortable with the proposition. "Trust me, you don't want to meet her," he attempted to dissuade Galina.

But she would not be deterred now. "Why not? If she's bold enough to steal my husband then she can come over here and face me," Galina insisted, her eyes flashing.

With a reluctant sigh, Joe acquiesced, mumbling into the phone that she - this home-wrecking Fahayra - would be on her way shortly.

The confrontation was imminent, but Galina stood firm, determined to face this threat to her marriage head-on.

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