Prolog - Wind vs Water

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Morro leg go of Sensei Wu's hand, dropping to the ocean below. Before he can hit the water a near invisible shape catches him and shoots off. The thing carrying him moves faster than any wind he had ever created. They lest the cost behind them and another island quickly came into view. They headed straight at a huge, looming mountain. The mountain seemed to devour all light that came near it, the rocks themselves a inky black. 

The thing carrying him dove right threw a hidden entrance in the mountain, the door thudding shut behind him. The cave glowed from emerald green torches, giving Morro a chance to see what had carried him here. A huge wind dragon, the very body of the dragon was made of wind. Making them almost invisible, but the eyes shone brightly; a dark greenish purple. 

A calm whispering voice echoed out to him, "I am Mistral, I am the very element of wind." 

Morro looked at the dragon in shook, he heard what he had whispered to him on a single gust of wind. He hesitantly responded, "I'm Morro." 

Suddenly all the torches flared to a dark purple, lowering the light and casting dark shadows around the room. "The Master has arrived," Mistral whispered, "He told me to save you from the water." 

"What? Who is it?" Morro looked around for a person hidden in the shadows, Mistral flew up to one of the many caves lining the huge entrance hall. "Where are you going?" he yelled back at him. 

"Morro," A familiar voice echoed out to him, but there was something wrong with the voice; it was distorted and echoed by itself. "I see Mistral brought you here, he misses the seeing the Master of Wind."

"Come out! Now!" Morro yelled.

"Oh, Morro you know who I am. You thought you were in my head, but all you saw were illusions, half truths, and lies," The voice echoed out, distorted. 

"Lloyd?" Morro yelled, "Your just a weak little child in the body of teenager! You don't deserve the title of Green Ninja!" 

Suddenly lloyd was in front of him, mere inches away, his eyes a glowing dark purple and his hair had streaks of black in it's normal white colour. He had at least a foot on me and I was taller than most. A second pair of arms sat below the first set they were black all the way up to the elbows and faded in to his normal skin tone. Long pointed ears poked out form behind his hair, black covered his arms and was patched around his face like smears of darkness. Black oni horns poked out of his hair, swishing behind him was a long white and black fur covered black and purple tail. Claws replaced nails and as he bared his fangs there were no normal teeth. He stood on the claws of his feet, similar to how a dragon's feet are. He was dressed in a black outfit, covered in purple dragons, and blades of various sizes. Dual katanas were strapped to his back. He looked like the son of the devil, and to everybody he was, nobody knew he was the Green Ninja. 

"Who said I wanted to be the Green Ninja?" His distorted voice was low and dark, "Here I can be surrounded by my dragons, who I know would never betray or use me," He back away a few steps. 

Morro narrowed his eyes at the boy in front of him. Was all he saw in Lloyd's head a lie? Who really was this boy? "What does this have to do with me?" He asked, nobody would bring him for no reason. 

"I want he to stay here, also you can't leave unless I allow it. So you better get comfortable," With that he stalked off into the darkness. Morro hear a door open and the torches turned back to green. 

What did Lloyd want with him? 


Lloyd POV 

I sighed, back to pretending to be good. Blegh. Switching back to human as I neared the monastery. The Ninja were probably worried about me, like really? I could handle myself, it's not like I'm a child. 

"Lloyd, where did you go?" Kai called out to him. 

"I just went to get some air," I responded back. 

Various similar greeting were called out by the rest of the Ninja, they were all celebrating the defeat of Morro. Well so called defeat. 

The evening passed by in a flash, all of us partying. "Well I'm going to bed guys," I yelled as I went to  my room. They complained by let me go. 

Setting my stuff on the dresser, I hopped on the window and disappeared into the night. Once I was far enough away I transformed into my Oni-Dragon form, navigating the air currents and flying off to the Mountain. I knew Morro was still there, despite his numerous attempts escape. 

I came up behind the ghost more silent then, well a ghost."I told you that you can't leave," It still sounds so wonderful to hear my distorted voice. 

"Ahh! Could you not do that!" Morro yelled at me. He seemed to be taking his situation well. "I never tried to escape, not once. I can leave whenever I want!" Although grumpy. 

"Ha!" I barked out a laugh, then dropped my voice in challenge. "Then do it. Leave." 

"No," The ghost grumbled, "I want to know why I'm here and why I can't go through the walls." 

"Again you can't leave, and I was hoping you would join me," I answered, I really did hope he would join me. He might have been in my head, but I was in his. "The Preeminent can't reach you here, I can also sever your connection to her, to Death itself. You could be human again."

I've got him. 

"l could be human again?" He demanded. "Tell me how!" 

"Well not entirely human, you would be half dragon. But still, are you tired of being afraid of water? Tired of being afraid of the Preeminent dragging you back to the cursed realm." I knew he would agree, I could see it in the way he stood. Leaning forward slightly, the eagerness in his eyes, despite his face having a bored calm look to it. 

He looked deep in thought for a moment before responding. "Dragons are so powerful, you can do that?" He sounded skeptical.

"Of course I can. After all my father is a Royal Oni and Dragon," I looked down at him. "Royalty has power." 

"I accept your deal, Prince," Morro responded darkly, he was angry that he would have to listen to my orders. It wouldn't be anything like that. 

"Come on Grumpy Storm, we have a ritual to prepare," I called stalking off down the dark purple tinted halls, with a grumpy Master of Wind following behind. 


Morro POV 

How dare that Emo Hybrid Prince call me grumpy, I'll have to get him back for that. We enter a room at the end of the hallway, how the Hybrid knew where he was going, I have no idea. The walls of this place seemed to be moving every few minutes. The room had the same purple light as the whole place, but here it was brighter than the rest of the place. The room had no furniture and no details other than the large circle in the middle, with various shapes and writing inside, and a long shelf with many different bottles of liquid. 

Lloyd whistled out a low pitch, wind whistled down the tunnel and Mistral appeared in the entrance. 

"Both of you stand in the center of the circle and drink this," Lloyd handed me a bottle with gray-green liquid and set a bowl with matching liquid on the floor for Mistral. "Drink." 

With a glance at the wind dragon I gulped down the gray-green liquid. Lloyd started growling and snarling as the world went dark. 

(1304) Words 

Thanks for reading, hope you guys like it

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