Dragons or Harumi

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No POV ~Two years ago~ 

Two boys are born on the same day, one at sunrise and one at moonrise. Both held incredible power in their bodies. This power was thought to be lost to the world, only to rise again. The child born at sunrise had golden white hair and tanned skin, while the one born at moonrise had deathly pale skin and black hair dark as a moonless night. 

These boys felt a strong connection to each other, they could tell where the other was and if they needed help from the other. They talked to each other like they were in the same room. 

Mezti, the pale boy, was named after the glow of the moon. The power that he possess is the very power of the moon. 

His counterpart, Tonatiuh, was named after the rays of Sol. For his power is that of the Sun. 

Both boys had yet to discover their power till one afternoon two years later, they each felt two more being joining their min link. Both with powers the same as their own. 

Lloyd POV 

Me, Wren and Harumi ended up in the forest near the old oni temple, traveling through the thick forest on our way to our destination. When I felt it. A sharp stabbing went through my head. It felt like it was tearing my brain appart. I cried out at the sudden pain. Wren came right to my side to stop me from crashing to the forest floor. 

Then I saw them. Four beings. A Sun Elemental child, who looked to be only two and a Sun Dragon egg. Them I saw a Moon Elemental child around the same age, and a Moon Dragon egg. The eggs were in the hatchery at the Mountain, they were safe. But the children were not, they were out in the world and with their dragons awakened; their powers would soon follow. 

"Lloyd!" I finally hear the voices of the two royals calling me. 

I slowly stood up with a little help from Wren, "I'm fine," I muttered. 

"Are you sure?" Harumi asked sweetly. Ugh. 

"What was that?" Wren asked before I could respond to her. Thank you Wren. 

"I don't know, but I saw two Elemental Master children," I muttered. "And their dragons," I whispered low so only Wren could hear. His eye widened slightly and he got an excited look on his face. "There is nothing we can do for them right now, they are children and their powers are only starting to develop." I sighed. "We should keep going." 

Nods from the false Royals and we continued on. 

We entered the main chamber in the Oni Temple, the mask displayed in its full glory. The Oni Mask of Hatred. The light on it made the purple colour shine. 

"Lloyd, you have to take the Mask. Only an Oni can take it." Harumi comaded, determined and excitedly. 

I laughed in a manic way. "I never told you I was an Oni, you finally made your mistake, Quiet One." I kept laughing, Wren smirked down at the smaller we both towered over. 

"An Royal Oni-Dragon and a Dragon Elemental, what chance do you stand Harumi?" Wren growled at his adopted sister. 

Harumi finally understood the situation she was in, the panic and fear that crossed her face was delightful. She tried to run back the way we came, away from the monsters behind her. That was her biggest mistake, predators love the chase. I grabbed the mask and tossed it to Wren, he put the mask on his face. Switching to his hybrid form, the mask made him taller, more horns came out of his head and body. He switched to running on four legs and charged after Harumi. 

I lunged after the two, Harumi never stood a chance. She reached the pit at the mouth of the cave, we both were almost to her. She backed away, right to the edge. 

She lost her footing and fell, screaming the whole way. A solid thump echoed back up to us, The Quiet One was dead. 

A roar of victory echoed from mine and Wren's maws. 

The victory was short lived as the echoes of the Ninja fighting came from outside. We both sighed in defeat at the thought of having to see those impiciles again. 

"Dragon time?" Wren asked hopefully. 

"Dragon time," I agreed. 

Wren fully transformed into his dragon yellow-green scales glinting in the dark cave. They smashed into the closed cave knocking it apart, the wall smashed into pieces. Shocked everyone outside looked in our direction. I stood right beside Wren, his small form rising above me. They spread their wings wide above them. 

They roared at the Sons of Garmadon, scattering them and causing them to run. With Zane, baby Wu and Nya. Hmm... this might be advantageous to us. 

"Wren!" I called up to the dragon. "Dragon time is over," They titled their head, motioning to the escaping ship. I shook my head. 

Wren returned to his human form and we walked over to the Ninja. 

"That was hype!" Jay yelled. 

"You can turn into a dragon?" Kai questioned. 

I saved Wren form having to answer all the questions of the Ninja. "Wren is the Elemental Master of Dragons." 

There was a chorus of Oohs and the chatter went down to a lower decibel as Wren explained how they learnt of their power. 

"A few years ago I was out on a walk to escape the palace and the full moon was out. When I was near the docs I remembered seeing a dragon reflection in the water. Looking down at myself I discovered that I was a dragon, from there I've been learning how to control my abilities. I can communicate with other dragons, dragons have a hive mind with their pack, but only full dragons." Wren explained how he learned. 

I escaped to sit by a nearby tree, watching the water drift past. I took out a notebook and began writing. 

Grumpy Storm, 

Two of the Ninja and baby Wu were kidnapped by the SOG and are on the Destiny's Bounty, take Kiki, Theron, Aranea to get them and take them to the Mount. Khamari, Neo, Bekura and Aurelia need to go out and go after the sun and moon Elemental Masters, they are about two years old. They live in the town of Direfall. After everyone needs to focus on the other Elemental Masters, get as many as they can to the Mount. Once you have the Ninja at the Mount. make sure at least one person stays to make sure none of them escape. If they do contact me and the rest of the Pack.


- The Dark Prince

Thanks for reading. I still have more Elements to introduce, so bear with me. There are just so many ideas. The other OG elemental masters will be minor characters in the grand scheme of things so don't be to concerned if you forget about them. 

Peace Out! 

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