The Rain of Hell Fire

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Morro POV 

"Go get Kai, we have get this over with," Lloyd commanded, how he was strong enough for this, I would never know. I hesitated, Lloyd still looked fragile and was clutching Nya's Element like a life line. 

I hesitated before bounding off, Kai would either become a raging inferno or a puddle of sorrow. I reached the cell door and steeled myself before opening the door. 


Morro opened the door to the warm cell I had been sitting in for the past few days. "What have you done to Lloyd?" I growled to the Wind Master. For once I saw an emotion on his face I've never seen, he looked sad. No I'm not feeling bad for the former ghost, but what happened. 

He glared down at me, I may have been tall, but the hybrids were just unnaturally tall. He stood over a foot and a half over me. "I didn't do anything to him, he was the one who made me like this. Gave me a second chance at life. That's why I'm not a ghost anymore, something the Elemental Master of Ghosts achieved, and you ignored." 

I stared at him Ghost Element? Who did he mean? I'm sure I would have remembered that. Cole. It struck me, he was a ghost and managed to return to his human form. I never questioned it. 

"Let's go, Lloyd wants to see you," Morro snarled, he picked me up in one simple motion and walked out the door. Shocked I let him, before realising that I had never fought back against Morro. 

I wormed my way out of his grasp and shot a ball of fire at him, he defected it simply. "I'm not going anywhere with you!" I yelled at the taller boy. 

He sighed, "What about with one of your friends?" He questioned, he sounded like he was so done with this. 

"What?" I yelled at him, confused. 

He let out a whistle like a crack of lightning, and in two seconds flat two blurs entered the hallway and almost crashed right into me. I let out a loud yelp. 

Both blurs began laughing. Before I could do anything both grabbed me, it was Jay and another boy who looked similar, just in different shades. The boy had white hair with coloured streaks and dark green eyes. Both were hybrids like every other being here, their forms were the same other than a few color differences. 

The two shot off with me held between them, the world around us slowed, the hybrids and dragons we passed were moving really slow. Rather we were moving at blinding speeds. 

"Kai!" Jay yelled quickly, "This is Capala, the OG," 

I looked at him confused and the now named Capala continued, "Jay is my split personality and were the Masters of Lightning!" He yelled it just as fast. 

I stared between the two, it made sense actually. Jay always seemed incomplete in some odd way. Now the two completed each other. 

The turns we took were so sharp that the walls were inches away, I started to get nauseous from all the movement. Finally they stopped their speeding dash in a sudden, lurching stop. I fell to the ground, the two Lightning Masters towering over me. Jay was always short, but now he too had to look down at me. 

"Ok, bye!" Jay yelled. 

Capala talked rapid fire, "We aren't allowed to tell you what happened," With those words, Jay's eye became teary. "So bye, Fire Boy," Before I could even question the two the were gone, nowhere to be seen. 

A hand grabbed me from behind and dragged me into a room, before I could even get into a battle stance, I was chained down in the middle of a painted circle. In the room stood three hybrids, Morro, a Butterfly-like one and Lloyd. 

Morro glared at me intensely, like he wanted to rip me apart, but something was holding him back. 

The butterfly one said, "I'm Neo, Master of Transformation. He/him. No need to introduce yourself, I already know who you are," He held a large book and two potions that looked like they held liquid fire. 

And Lloyd. He looked like he had lost something important, he held an orb the same gray-blue as Nya's Element. He looked tired. 

Neo let out a whistle like the crackle of a fire. It wasn't long before a black dragon with fire radiating out of came into view. 

Lloyd let out a whistle like the crash of a wave. Another dragon appeared, it's scales were the color of a stormy ocean, but changed with the dragon's mood. It's eyes shone the dark blue of the ocean. 

The water dragon looked sad, he looked like something important had been ripped away from him. The fire dragon was a raging inferno, he looked like he could melt anyone who got close.  

Morro grabbed two more potions off on of the many potion filled shelves, these ones looked like a swirling ocean. Morro handed one to the water dragon, who held it gently in his mouth and downed it while going over to my left. 

Neo gave the fire potion to the fire dragon, who was on my right, and he downed it as well. 

Morro and Neo approached me with the remaining two potions, Morro bore a smirk and Neo had a look of determination. 

"No way in Hell am I going to drink either of those!" I yelled at the two. 

Neo's look of determination turned into a smirk, "Well all the more fun for us," Morro's smirk widened. 

Neo roughly grabbed my chin and forced me to open my mouth, I struggled, but the chains that held my back. Neo handed his potion to Morro and used his now free hand to hold my head in place. 

Neo pulled back with a shocked hiss, he began blowing on his hand. I felt the crackle of fire above me, my hair had started on fire. 

"Ha! Take that!" I taunted the two. 

Neo's hand changed into a black dragon claw and grabbed my head again, this time the fire had no effect on the boy. He smirked in challenge. "What are you gonna do now, Fire Boy?" He taunted back. This is what he meant by Transformation, he could change things. 

Morro poured the fire potion down my throat and Neo quickly closed my mouth, forcing my to swallow. It felt like it was burning my throat, it had a spiciness to it that made me intake sharply. 

Morro poured the water potion down my throat right away after, it was like a rush coolness, but it was really salty.

Both boys let me go and backed away, outside the circle. Neo picked up the large book that he had set on the ground. And Morro grabbed the orb from Lloyd, who looked like he never wanted to part with it, and set it infront of me. 

I stared curiously at the bluish orb, it looked really familiar from somewhere. Neo started chanting in draconic, and the orb flew up to be level with my chest. Lloyd guided the orb and it struck right into my chest. 

It felt like being plowed over by a wave that was so much larger than you. An aura flew up around the circle, it was a mix of fire red and ocean blue. I was lifted off the ground with the dragons. The waves of energy that the aura gave off surged my power. 

Pain started through my body, focusing on my back and traveling through my body. The pain got stronger and stronger, I felt things begin to grow out of my body before I passed out from the pain.

There we go, another chapter. Tell me your favorite character or Element so far. Also if you have questions about what is happening, feel free to ask. 

Peace Out! ;)

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