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The walls of the cell I woke up in were very much not soundproof, but they were water sealed, but the wasn't dry. There was a dragon proof window on the door of my cell. Actually half the room was taken up by a pool of water, it was really deep; but the pool was fully closed in. 

All the voices here were distorted and growling, and there were hundreds dragons in the cave above me. At one point I thought I heard them talking about a Dark Prince, they called him Ciaran or Son of Garmadon. But that made no sense, Lloyd would never betray us he was so kind and good. There was three humans? Left here: Aranea, Tonatiuh and Mezti, and Janak. Aranea had the same voice as the other inhabitants of the Mountain and the other three were still children. 

All the torches in the place glowed a bright green, it looked so close to Lloyds energy. 

It was late in the afternoon when it happened: all the torches turned a dark purple. The new light made the whole place seem ominus and dangerous, like something was in the shadows outside my door. And then I saw them, the blue of a deep ocean, glowing draconic eyes looking right into my eyes. 

The glowing eyes illuminated a dragon snout covered in blue scales and small fins along the head. The scales shimmered all the colours of the ocean, deep blues, light blues, teal tropical oceans, and the blue-green of kelp forests. 

I stumbled back, dragon have been are friends in the past, but this dragon was from the place we were kidnapped. This dragon was surely a danger to me and everybody else in these cells. Suddenly the dragon's eye darted up to above, where my guess is: the main cave. With a glance back at me, the ocean coloured dragon ran off. 

As the dragon disappeared, I heard it: wing beats. A lot of them too. As the dragon touched down, voices echoed down. 

"Take them to the dungeons, except the Earth Master," The voice was oddly familiar, yet it sounded like the others here, distorted, echoey and draconic. "I'll start with him, and Wren, you can come too." 

Wren was in with this Dark Prince, maybe it really was Lloyd. But no, I know Lloyd he would never betray us. Two low sets stepps came down the hall, like they were burdened with a weight. 

Two figures appeared. One carried Jay, this hybrid was the Nightmare one, I felt my own nightmares springing forward at her mere presence. The second one carried Kai, it was the Fae dragon one, he brought a presence that inspired change or even transphormation. 

He paused at my door, "You will follow our Prince weather you like it or not Water Master," He disappeared down the hall with Kai. 

When they passed by again Nightmare Lady let out a whistle like waves crashing, the same dragon from before appeared. I could see more of him, his scales reflected him emotions, when he became angry, they looked like a raging sea, when calm, looked like calm waters. He had wings and body suited for swimming not flying, he had fins all over his body, gills and webbed claws. His tail was powerful for speed, and a crown of horns for impaling. 

They began to talk in the draconic tongue, growling and snarling. Finally they seemed to come to a decision. The boy opened my cell door, without a key or anything. I got ready to attack them, when the dragon bound in and the door was automatically shut behind him. 

I backed away from the dragon, I reached the edge of the water. Glancing back at the water, if I had to fight the water dragon in the pool I would be at a disadvantage. 

Without warning the dragon jumped at, nocking us right into the water. He dragged me down to the depths of the pool, which was surprisingly deep. 

The pool was cool, and it was lighter than it should be this far down. The only light came from the dragon's glowing eyes, I should not be able to see. 

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