Chapter Twenty-Two

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As I gaze at the divorce petition before me, a sense of emptiness washes over my thoughts. I find it difficult to comprehend how Kady thinks she could possibly claim everything outlined in this document from me.

"Out of these assets, which one holds the most significance for you?" Isabella asked, her attention fixed on the document. She patiently awaited my response, her pen restlessly moving between her fingers.

I gently rested my hand on hers, halting the pen's restless motion. It felt strange that as the defendant, I was the one providing comfort to the attorney. Her role was meant to reassure me in this case, but I didn't mind the role reversal.

My hand returned to my lap, and her hand ceased its movement. "My business takes top priority," I responded, and her pen promptly encircled 'Petrov Corporations.'

"Since this is your foremost concern, we'll emphasize it during the initial hearing," she remarked, her gaze still fixed on the document before us.

I couldn't help but notice how attractive she appeared while speaking in her professional legal terms, the intensity of her gaze as she watched the documents on the table being shuffled around.

My focus shifted from Isabella when I heard a sudden throat clearing, and I saw Ryan entering my office, his gaze shifting between both of us.

Ryan whispered, "Kady and her attorney are here, waiting for both of you in the meeting room," ensuring that the rest of the office couldn't overhear.

I nodded, and Ryan swiftly left the room, closing the door as I rose from my chair, with Isabella following closely behind.

As we headed towards the meeting room, Isabella reminded me, "Keep your contact with her at a minimum, I'm only engaging because it's necessary."

Isabella and I stood before the obscure door. She briefly glanced at me, and the moment I nodded, she pushed it open, revealing Kady and her attorney inside.


Kady's eyes widened with an intense glare directed at me, making it clear that her anger was palpable. Her lawyer rose from their seat and extended a hand across the lengthy wooden table, greeting us with a simple "Hello."

I reached out to shake the lawyer's hand, but suddenly, Asher accidentally bumped into me, causing both of us to stumble. He quickly regained his balance by grabbing my waist. "Sorry about that," he apologized, clearing his throat. "I tripped."

The man withdrew his hand and sat down, casting a suspicious gaze towards Asher. "I'm Martin," he stated with an air of authority and superiority, "of Martin and Martin's Law Firm."

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