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As Asher and I occupied the piano in the center of the room, I scanned the area, noticing that everyone's attention was fixed on us. I made an effort to concentrate on him as his hands touched the keys, the sleeves of his tuxedo rolled up slightly, revealing his tattoos.

"Don't pay attention to them," he whispered as his fingers started to play our song. "Keep your focus on me." Our eyes locked, and I smiled at him, resting my head on his shoulder, my gaze fixed on the delicate flowers adorning the piano.

A combination of pink tulips, white asters, and white daisies adorned the piano, similar to the floral arrangements gracing many of the white, round tables scattered throughout the spacious room.

We had decided to hold our wedding in the same venue as Liam and Sofia, primarily because of its breathtaking beauty. However, most of the decorations were selected by me, as Asher's only specific request was that I stand as his bride at the end of the aisle.

His heartfelt request had touched me deeply, and I was almost brought to tears when I overheard him speaking to the coordinator about two months earlier. Despite his proposal a year ago, we had chosen to wait until both of us felt truly ready to take this step.

Asher devoted a significant amount of his time to the office, overseeing renovations and completing his projects there. In the meantime, I focused my energy on preparing my home office. Oh, by the way, Asher made a spontaneous decision to buy us a house one day, and it happened to be the perfect fit for our little family.

I looked over and noticed Lilly gazing at us, her little eyes shining with joy. Her parents sat beside her, watching us with smiles on their faces. My focus then shifted to my round stomach, which was clearly evident beneath my white dress. I tenderly placed my hand on it, feeling our baby boy's gentle kicks.

Asher was determined to name our baby Cameron, whether it was a boy or a girl. This choice was rooted in the fact that it was the name his mother had initially planned to give him before ultimately deciding that Asher was the perfect name for her son.

{ a/n: i recommend playing the song at the top }

He started playing the melody of our song, and tears welled up in my eyes as he briefly looked at me before returning his gaze to the keys beneath his fingers. I leaned my head gently on his shoulder, trying not to disturb my hair, but in the end, not really caring about it at all.

"Do you remember that night at the ball?" He whispered as he continued to play the song. I nodded my head, eager to hear more. "That night, when you fell asleep on my shoulder, I confessed that I think I'm in love with you." My heart swelled at his admission, and I couldn't help but break into a smile.

He paused playing for a moment to place my hand on his before resuming, guiding my hand along the keys. "But as I sit here with you now, Isabella," he said, "I don't just think anymore. I know. I know that I'm in love with you." A single tear trickled down my cheek as our song started playing over the speakers. He stood from the bench, helping me up and pulling me into his arms.

We swayed gracefully on the dance floor, oblivious to everyone else around us, simply reveling in each other's presence. I had never imagined I would have the wedding I had envisioned since high school, but standing here with him now, my younger self would have been proud.

"I've never stopped thinking about it," I whispered into his ear as he enveloped me in his arms, his hands gently resting on my lower waist. "I've been in love with you for a long, long time." He chuckled softly in my ear, his warm breath brushing against my skin, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to tingle.

This was everything I had wanted and needed. All the challenges we had faced, all the obstacles we had overcome to reach this point – it had all been worth it, standing here with him.

When I first set my eyes on him, I never could have imagined that I would be here today, declaring him the love of my life, and I certainly never expected to call myself Isabella Petrov.

"As much as I enjoy everyone's attention," he teased softly in my ear, "I really wish I could take you back to my place and help you out of this gorgeous dress." I smiled, resting my chin on his shoulder, and his hold around me tightened.

"As much as I enjoy our sex," I whispered in reply, "I also enjoy being here and making sure every woman from your office knows you're mine. So, let's stay here a bit longer." His hand tightened on my side, making me squirm under his touch as he laughed softly into my ear.

"Anything for my wife."

After a while, it was time for everyone to deliver their speeches, and most of them were lighthearted and filled with jokes. It helped ease the anxiety I felt, being the center of attention among so many people.

Finally, it was Asher's turn to take the floor and say a few words. However, what began as a brief statement turned into a heartfelt and lengthy speech, and I cherished every moment of it.

"You know," he began, his gaze locked onto me as the spotlight illuminated him. "I tried this whole marriage thing once before in my life," I rolled my eyes playfully at his mention of Kady, and laughter erupted around me. "For a very long time, I thought I'd never meet a woman who could change my mind about marrying again." His eyes glistened for a moment, and I feared he might shed a tear. "Until Isabella walked into my office for an interview." A smile tugged at my lips at the memory of our first meeting, and I silently thanked fate that our initial encounter wasn't our last. "She helped me out of a bad marriage and led me to an amazing one. I couldn't imagine standing here, cherishing anyone else but her." I quickly brushed away a tear that threatened to escape. "Isabella Petrov, you are my girl, and I love you."

"I love you," I mouthed back to him before he blew me a soft kiss.

And that's where our story truly begins. It wasn't when I first met him or when I became his attorney; it was when we made our vows to love each other for the rest of our lives, and love each other we did.

No matter what was hidden Beneath The Surface, nothing could have prevented Asher and me from crossing paths and transforming it into a lifetime filled with love and care.

Two people.

Asher Petrov and Isabella Leighton.

Two stories.

A high-profile CEO and an aspiring lawyer, both just striving to find their way in this world.

Two secrets.

A man trapped in a troubled marriage and a woman who had tragically lost her child far too early in life.

Two people, two stories and two secrets, now share one person, Cameron Petrov, along with one story and one shared secret—a secret that will forever remain locked away, known only to them.

The End

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