Chapter Twenty-Five

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There was a certain glimmer in her eye as she spoke about how she had found herself working at a coffee shop when she first moved here.

"I practically fell into the manager's lap," she laughed as she spoke, barely holding herself together. If I hadn't been so captivated by her, admiring the way her cheeks dimpled when she smiled, I might have been laughing along. "She apologized profusely, considering one of her employees hadn't cleaned up the coffee on the floor, but thankfully, it was there that I landed the job."

I couldn't help but smile back at her as she focused on me, her story coming to an end. I found myself wishing it hadn't because I genuinely enjoyed hearing her laughter and witnessing her face light up with each word.

"So," she whispered, her gaze narrowing on me, and I could tell another question was on its way. I didn't mind answering her questions, although I wasn't particularly fond of talking about myself. Still, it was refreshing for someone to take an interest in me beyond my wealth, business, or fame.

"Did you grow up here?" Her question caught me off guard. It was a detail I had kept well-hidden, as even the most persistent reporters didn't know this about me. Yet, I was willing to share anything she wanted to know, even if she started asking about my bank details.

I took a brief glance out of the window, noticing that it had started to rain, and then I shifted my focus back to her. "No, I didn't," I replied at last. "I grew up near Crossville, Tennessee" Her eyes widened with surprise as I shared this detail, and it was intriguing to see someone so fascinated by me.

"That explains the perfect Southern accent," she commented, raising her eyebrow slightly as she stared at me. Her foot lightly grazed mine under the table, adding a subtle layer of connection between us.

As she kept bouncing her knee up and down, her foot, crossed over her other leg, continued to bump into mine. I decided to take a gentle, playful approach and grabbed her ankle, causing her to stop. Throughout this silent interaction, our eyes remained locked on each other's, creating a connection that spoke volumes without words.

She cleared her throat, her cheeks flushing slightly. "So, what are your hobbies?" she asked, adding, "Aside from your business," to clarify her question.

"Hmm," I began, running a hand over my stubble and keeping my gaze locked on hers. "I enjoy boxing," I shared, noticing her keen interest. "And, well, I dabble in playing the piano," I added quickly, as if it were a minor detail.

"The piano?" She practically shouted, drawing a few stares from the people around us. I couldn't help but smile as she attempted to shrink down into the booth to avoid the sudden attention her outburst had garnered.

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