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Happy Reading<3

Abhimanyu's phone rang in the middle of the night. It startled both of them figured who were sleeping on the bed. Ishita sat up and turned on the lamp. Getting a call at night would be anyone's worst nightmare.

Abhimanyu stood up and checked his phone from his nightstand. "Who is it?" Ishita asked him "My secretary" he says in a heavy and confused voice.

"Hello" he answers the call and while hearing, his face expressions changed and became stern. "All good??" Ishita asked and Abhimanyu nodded showing her a hand.

She sat there confused. 'what's so serious that his secretary would call at 2 in the morning?' she says to herself and saw as Abhimanyu stood up from the bed and went towards his study table. "Wait I am checking on my laptop right now" he says opening his laptop and sitting on his chair.

Ishita was still in suspense as to what went down, she saw his expressions and his eyes bulged out "What the fuck! Vinay, makes call and find out who withdrew their shares" he shouts at his phone with a horrified tone and cuts the call dialing some other number. Ishita became more worried and now her sleep was totally vanished.

She stood up and walked up to him. "What happened?" she asks him looking at him worriedly. "Vinay just called. Our company's shares value just dropped by  7percent" he says keeping his phone on his ear. Just as he finished, the other side picked up the call.

"Hardik, send me Aggarwal's number. I doubt he has something to do with it" he says cutting the call. Looks like Hardik was awake already. Ishita sighs and stands next to him.

"Calm down, it will be fine" she says and Abhimanyu just sighed "No. I gotta fix it right now. We are doing a deal with The Arabs next week and they don't look forward to invest in any company with losses. And who would even sell their shares when we are at such high stake in the market?" he shouts and whines while pointing at the computer.

Ishita kept a hand on his shoulders and rubbed her hand "Do you want coffee?" she says and he looks up at her with a defeated look and nods his head "Wait here, I will make one for you quickly" she says going out of the room.

Ishita made a strong coffee with two sugars as he likes it. She poured it in the cup and carried it upstairs. Abhimanyu was still going crazy over his laptop making Ishita shake her head in a negative manner. She takes the tray to him and he thanked her.

"Did you find out who it was?" she asks and he made a sour face "I am thinking Aggarwal but we are not sure yet" he says and she nods. "Okay" she says and stands there for a few minutes looking at the laptop screen but it was too complicated for her to understand. Ishita is a literature major and she knows nothing about business and accounts.

But she understands what he talk about because she grew up in the same household where her parents would talk about shares, stocks and buying and selling all day.
"If you need anything just tell me okay?" she says going to sit on bed but Abhimanyu held her wrist.

He pulled her closer, colliding his head with Ishita's stomach. His face-sided to Ishita's abdomen and he hugged her waist, keeping her hands on his head. Ishita was stunned at his sudden action and the hug.

After a few seconds, she relaxed her muscles and held his hair gently, strocking them. "It will be fine. Your team will find out who withdrew their shares and why they did it. Don't worry too much" she says slightly kissing his forehead and Abhimanyu who's eyes were closed, opened his eyes and nodded. He held her waist and pecked Ishita's stomach, making her chuckle.

"You should sleep now. It's late'' he says pushing her towards the bed. Ishita nods and went to the bed. She tried sleeping but couldn't, after tossing around the bed for half an hour, she opened her eyes and Abhimanyu was still sitting on his desk, working like a robot, in the same posture. He had his glasses on his face now.

She sits up 'does he never get tired if working?' she thinks and takes a book from her night stand that she is currently reading. She sits up straight clearing her throat and reading her book.


Ishita woke up next morning, she opened her eyes slowly adjusting to the lights. She sits up and sees the spot next to her empty, she looks around the room and there he was. Still sitting on his desk.

Ishita shakes her head at his actions. Abhimanyu was sleeping in his chair with his head down on the desk. She looks at the computer screen which was still on. She kept his flies aside and lightly shook him. Abhimanyu stirred and opened his eyes, rubbing them and sitting up straight.

"Go and sleep on the bed! its morning and you still haven't had proper rest" she says to him and he nods his head lightly. He checks his phone first and yawns getting up "Is the matter resolved yet?" Ishita asked cleaning his desk which was full of documents.

"Yeah I am gonna meet with that Karan Aagarwal today evening, I will clear the matter with him" he says in a sleepy voice while falling on the bed and Ishita nodded "Okay sleep now. I will wake you up in a few hours" she says tugging him with the duvet and walking away to do her morning routine and start her day.

comment me some ideas🙂
because even though its just the starting, my mind is blank already😭

Hope you have a nice day/night <33

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