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Ishita stirred in her sleep
and opened her eyes, stretching her body. She was covered with duvet and her naked body was softly laying on the silk sheets. Last night was wild indeed, her legs were hurting a little, it was a different sensation.

Abhimanyu was sitting on the chair near the balcony, half naked. The sun rays were falling on his chest and abs as he read the newspaper sitting there. His face had a glow. He noticed Ishita staring at him, he smiled looking at her and stood up from the chair, keeping the newspaper aside and pouring a glass of water and taking it to her.

Ishita sat up on the bed, covering herself with the sheets. Abhimanyu sat next to her giving her the glass, she took it gladly and drank it in one go. "Good morning" he says taking the glass from her hand and keeping it on the night stand. "Good morning" she replies and Abhimanyu leaned in, gripping her neck and kissing her lips. Ishita responsed back and kissed him softly.

He broke the kiss and looked at her lovingly "Can you pass me my clothes?" She says as he stood up from the bed. "Sure" he says and looks for her clothes that he threw at the floor last night. He smirks and picked up her dupatta from the chair and handed it to her. Ishita frowns and gives him a straight smile.

"Come on" she says and he shruggs."Your clothes" he says and walks back to his chair, sitting there and going back to reading his newspaper. Ishita gasps and frowns at his actions. "Hmph always horny" she says looking at him. He just gives her a cocky smile.

Ishita wrapped her body with the duvet cover and carefully stood up from the bed. She was covered from head to toe, Abhimanyu gritted hus teeth and ignored her, Ishita gave him a 'Who's smart now' smile. And walked in the washroom to do her morning routine.

She came after taking a warm bath and wearing her pajamas. Abhimanyu was still sitting sitting on the chair. "Tsk" Ishita said and walked towards him.
He looks up from his paper and Ishita was standing there with her hand on her hip, she raised her eyebrows. "Whatt" Abhimanyu says and Ishita frowns "Come on now get ready" she says and he keeps the paper aside and pulls her by her wrist.

Ishita landed on his lap and he wraps his arms around her and secures her in his lap. "Yea now what were you saying?" He asks speaking in her neck, making her tickle. "I am saying to get up and get ready for office, it's 8 o'clock already" she says pushing him back and facing him.

He makes a annoyed face "I don't want tooooo" he whinned and Ishita chuckled. "Then what you want to do?" She asked and he thought for a minute.
"Let's go out, a date!" He says excited and Ishita smiled at his enthusiasm "Alright!!" Ishita says.

Right then, Abhimanyu's phone rang and he picked it up from the coffee table. "Yes Vinay?" He answered the call and Ishita looked at him while setting his hair in the shape she likes.

She sees his expressions change from relaxed to stiff. "Alright I will be there" he says and hangs up the call. "What's wrong?'' She asks seeing his face sulking "I need to go to the office, there are some documents I need to sign" he says with a sad voice.

Ishita's face fell, she thought the were gonna spend the day together. But she nodded "It's okay, work is important" she says creasing his face and following his little beard on his chin.

Abhimanyu chuckled and held her hands "It will just take a few minutes. You can come along if you want, I can show you around and then we can go out maybe movies or lunch" he says and Ishita smiles. It always warms her heart how he makes time for her.

"Yes I would love to" she says and Abhimanyu pecks her lips. Ishita stood up from his lap and Abhimanyu followed her "I will take a shower then we can leave" he says and Ishita nodds, going in the closet.

She wore a business formal outfit with a skirt and a tiny blazer and paired it with some jewelry.

Abhimanyu was in his regular pitch black outfit in a 3 peiece suite

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Abhimanyu was in his regular pitch black outfit in a 3 peiece suite.

Abhimanyu was in his regular pitch black outfit in a 3 peiece suite

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They both walked downstairs and saw Laksh on the dining table. Ishita frowned "What is he doing here?" She whispered to Abhimanyu and he shurgger "I don't know, but I am sure he has a good reason now let's go" he says taking her hand. Ishita pulled him back and walked towards Laksh, making Abhimanyu sigh loudly.

She taps his shoulder from the back and he looks up "What's wrong?? Aren't you supposed to be in the train station right now? Leaving for your trip?" She asked and Laksh who was drinking soup looked up with red eyes and swel nose. "I am not feeling well" he says coughing. Ishita felt bad, he was so excited for his vacation with his friends.

She brings her hand to his forehead and he was burning up "You are burning Laksh! Did you get yourself checked?" She asks him and he just shook his head. Ishita looked at Abhimanyu with a worried face. Abhimanyu took out his phone and called their family doctor.

"Come on let's take you to bed. The doctor will arrive in a few minutes'' Ishita says, helping him stand up and walk him to his room.

Laksh lied on the bed and Ishita covered him with his sheets. The doctor arrived and did a regular check up on Laksh, he just had viral fever and minor cold. They were thankful it's not something serious but the doctor took his blood sample to run some tests just in case.

Abhimanyu took the doctor out and Ishita sat next to Laksh, and helped him eat the medicine that doctor has prescribed. "Thank you bhabhi" he says and Ishita nods her head, pushing his hair back. "Take some rest, I will get some cold water to bring down your fever" she said and Laksh nodded, closing his eyes.

"You should go to the office. This can take a while" Ishita said to Abhimanyu and he takes a deep breath ''He will be fine right?" He asks her and she nods "I will make his temprature is back to normal before I leave the house" she said assuring him and he nods "Bye" he says giving her a quick kiss and Ishita smiled, seeing him off.

She brought cold water with ice in a bowl and took a hand towel from the washroom, putting the water dipped cloth over his head again and again. He was really sick. In the morning he could barely stand on his feet. This all happened because he was carelessly roaming outside last night. He should have listened to Hardik when he asked him to throw on a jacket. Now he is sick and is also missing on his college trip.

Laksh was quick asleep but Ishita continued putting the cloth on his forehead. And the effect was seen in an hour, his temprature was down and he was not burning up anymore.
Thanks for reading<3

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