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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (16)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (16)
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  At this time, a young woman with open arms appeared in front of Han Qingxia.

  On the side of the road, her boyfriend was supporting an old man who had fallen.

  "Stop the car! Someone has fainted here! Stop and take her to the hospital!"

  The woman stood in the middle of the road and stopped her with open hands.

  Because there is only one car, Han Qingxia, on the whole street at the moment. God knows why there are no cars on the road today, and neither 110 nor 120 can get through.

  Now I finally saw a car.

  It must be stopped!

  Just stand in the middle of the road.

  Han Qingxia looked at the woman in front of her, her eyes were slightly cold, and she stepped all the way with her right foot.


  The woman blocking the road was frightened by Han Qingxia's car, which was running at full power and didn't even turn.

  Fortunately, she escaped in time in the end, otherwise she would have been directly hit to death!

  "Who are you! Even if you don't help, you want to hit me to death! Madman! Cold-blooded! Selfish! Unsympathetic! Perverted!"

  "Honey, are you okay?"

  "Husband, I have never seen a person like that just now. He didn't help and didn't slow down. He almost hit me!"

  "You should be careful when you stand on the side of the road to stop a car! There are a lot of selfish people in this society, and some of them are as kind as us. You can take photos and post them online later, and they will be exposed on the Internet - ah -"

  The man who was talking suddenly shouted.

  His neck was bitten hard.

  The one who bit him was the unconscious old lady he was rescuing and supporting.

  At this time, the old lady woke up from her coma, opened her gray eyes and bit him on the neck.

  Bright red blood sprayed around instantly.

  "Husband-" The woman immediately took two steps back, then rushed forward and hit the old lady with the bag in her hand.

  "Let go of my husband! Let go of my husband!"

  She kicked and smashed the old woman's zombie body, and when she let go, she quickly pulled her husband up.

  "Honey, let's go to the hospital quickly - are you okay -"

  The woman supported her husband with one hand while continuing to get rid of the old lady zombie who got up from the ground.

  She found that no matter how hard she fought, the other party was fine!

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