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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (162)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (162)
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  Lu Qiyan did not answer his question directly, "I can still afford it for the time being."

  "The location of my place is too bad and supplies are extremely scarce," Yue Tu frowned in thought, "Lu Qiyan, will you cooperate with me?"

  "What do you want to do?"

  "Beat the city." Yue Tu's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "I sneaked into City A today. A large amount of supplies are in the city. As long as we capture a city, we don't have to worry about supplies at all!"

  "Besides, the zombies can only be killed, not defended. Counting on defense will lead to death! The more zombies we kill, the more hope we have!"

  Yue Tu looked at Lu Qiyan with sharp eyes.

  In his last life, Yue Tu wanted to counterattack the city, but to no avail.

  He was the only madman in the entire east.

  In fact, after a little analysis, we can see that Yue Tu is the only one who is so crazy. His Fire Base has too few resources and cannot support people. There is no other way but to kill people.

  Furthermore, Yue Tu was originally a murderer.

  The other bases are all struggling. As long as they can survive, who is willing to take such risks.

  Of course, there is another premise, that is, Lu Qiyan died early in his previous life, and Han Qingxia was not the Han Qingxia he is now.

  "Explain your plan."

  At this time, a clear female voice sounded.

  Han Qingxia was very interested in Yue Tu's plan.

  Chapter 131 The more zombies you kill, the stronger you become.

  Yue Tu looked at Han Qingxia, raised his eyes as sharp as a tiger, and whispered to Lu Qiyan, "Your woman?"

  "No, don't get me wrong, she is the manager of Midsummer Base, Han Qingxia," Lu Qiyan introduced, "She is very powerful."

  Hearing the words "very strong", Yue Tu's sharp eyes flashed with surprise. He stood up tall and straight, walked to Han Qingxia and stretched out his hand to her, "If Lu Qiyan said he was strong, he must be very strong. "

  "My name is Yue Tu, Fire Base."

  Han Qingxia looked at the big hand stretched out, "Han Qingxia, Midsummer Base."

  Han Qingxia held Yue Tu's hand. When their palms met, she felt like she was holding a hot rock, and solid strength came out of the palm of the person in front of her.

  You can feel the hot blood and male-specific hormones rolling in the person in front of you through the palm of your hand.

  In short, very manly.

  On the opposite side, Yue Tu also felt an unusual touch.

  He looked at Han Qingxia in front of him with some surprise. Such a small hand was full of power.

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