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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (35)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai【Complete】(35)
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  But there is a prerequisite.

  She or her dogs must have cleared and measured the land.

  Han Qingxia took the dogs from the base to the place where the monument was erected today, which was about five acres of land.

  Mark the places she has explored with her dog.

  This is a bit like that kind of exploration game, where the protagonist must walk through and the map can be lit up.

  Fortunately, her dogs are also part of her team, which greatly increases her scope of exploration.

  She inserted her sign into the ground, clapped her hands, and the territory map in her mind expanded to this point.

  Han Qingxia stood there and began to think about the next direction of development. Up to now, the entire hill in her air-raid shelter had been conquered by her.

  There was a road to the left of where she was, and a sparsely populated mountainous area to the right.

  There is an abandoned quarry and a few scattered mountain villas in this mountainous area.

  To the north of the road on the left is City A. The terrain is flat and easy to conquer, but the mountainous area on the right is difficult to conquer.

  Han Qingxia decided to start from the right after thinking for a while.

  Of course I chose the right!

  She is a person who wants to be steady but not hasty when doing things. The terrain on the right is complicated but she is sure of it. If she doesn't grab the places she can grab first, why go to the left road?

  Now and then a group of zombies will come, and she still has to clean them up!


  There are security requirements in her territory.

  All zombies must be cleaned up. If the area is not cleaned for a long time, the system will automatically cut off that area.

  This is easy to understand. There are a bunch of zombies or alien creatures in your territory. Can this be called your territory?

  But this also put her thoughts on raising a few zombies to guard the door to rest.

  Fortunately, she now has a lot of helpers. The fifteen military dogs Gong Xi Fa Cai have high IQ and strong mobility. They are very useful as guards for her to clean up some zombies that have strayed in.

  Better get more dogs! Especially when the territory becomes larger in the future.

  These are far from enough!

  Han Qingxia retracted her other thoughts and started heading towards the mountainous area on the right.

  When she came back in the evening, she successfully expanded another hill.

  Her points have increased by a thousand points, and she now has a total of 2,656 points!

  "Thanks everyone, let's eat!"

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