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52 Library  >  Romance Novels  >  Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (170)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (170)
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  There are relatively few residential areas in the west of the city. There are many old shopping malls and commercial streets, and there is also a famous ancient town scenic spot on the edge of the city.

  It's also a good place for them to start.

  Their car entered the city road.

  "There really aren't many zombies here."

  Ji Yurou frowned as she looked at the changing streets outside the window.

  "Waiting for everyone to form a team in pairs, we will capture this place first as a base for entering the west of the city. Be sure to keep your voice down and quickly eliminate any zombies you encounter." Han Qingxia said.


  Their car stopped on the bridge in the middle of the ancient town.

  When the car stopped, zombies in twos and threes nearby were attracted and came towards them.

  Yue Tu, who was the first to get out of the car and his men, stabbed the zombie's head with a military thorn in his hand.

  He killed three zombies with just a raise of his hand.

  The movements are extremely rough.

  Han Qingxia was also very satisfied with this technique.

  This group of people is all elite.

  Without the oil bottles, their mission would be half as smooth.

  Soon everyone separated in pairs. Han Qingxia took Ji Yurou, and everyone else formed a team and dispersed in each direction to perform the task.

  "Sister, I used to work here during the summer vacation." Ji Yurou followed Han Qingxia and said.


  "There are many B&Bs here, and I worked in one of them."

  "Where are the B&Bs?"

  “In the alleys of these attractions.”

  "How's the usual flow of people?"

  "There are a lot of holidays, and business is good during the summer vacation."

  Just then, they both heard a sound.

  In the alley of the ancient town ahead, a woman who looked like a pregnant woman had her back turned to them.

  She looked in pain, holding on to the wall and shaking her body violently, her thin maternity nightgown swaying violently.

  Make a 'uh, uh, uh' sound from time to time.

  It looked like she was about to give birth.

  "How could someone give birth to a child?" Ji Yurou was shocked when she saw this.

  Just then, there was a crash.

  A bloody mass suddenly fell out from between the pregnant woman's legs.

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