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The adults wake us up at 9 am today and drive us to set, where Shawn is already waiting.

We get shown to our trailers where our hair and makeup teams are waiting and we get changed into our costumes (which are really just outfits).

Since Walker and I have the first few scenes together, we're the only part of the main cast on set.

We meet this kid with black hair, who plays our bully Ray. He's actually pretty cool and he asks if he can sit with us between scenes, which Walker agrees to.

"Alright, the first scene for today. Ray is chasing Adam and McKenzie/Micky through school and eventually catches Adam. He throws him against the wall and threatens him, Adam sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm, then Ray punches him and leaves. Micky comes into frame and helps him with the inhaler, then scene." Shawn explains as we walk into the classroom we're supposed to run out of.

"Yes sir." Walker salutes as we stand by the door.

"And..action!" Shawn shouts.

[Basically the same scene, (including the bloopers of Ray actually hitting him) then cut in after Ray leaves Adam on the floor after he punched him]

"Hey, hey Adam. You okay?" Micky asks as she slides down next to him.

"He..hit me in the stomach..breathing not..breathing." Adam pants as he looks at Micky.

"Ok. Ok. I got you." Micky reaches into his jacket pocket and grabs his inhaler.

She takes off the cap and holds it up to Adam's mouth.

"Deep breath." Adam inhales as Micky speaks. "Three, two, one. Everybody gets a trophy." Micky recites the count she made up for him in kindergarten.

"Everyone gets a trophy." Adam repeats as they stand up.

"And cut!" Shawn says. "That was great guys, really."

"Thanks Shawn." Walker smiles as we sit back in our assigned chairs.

"Sorry dude." The kid says. "I didn't mean to actually hit you."

"You're fine. It didn't really hurt." Walker laughs.

"Alright next scene is just Walker and Delphi." Shawn tells us as he excuses everyone else from set.

"Alright." I nod and look at Shawn.

"You guys already know the script, I'm just quickly going over it. So Adam and Micky are on the playground, talking about life. They relate to each other because Adam lost his dad and Micky lost her mom, so they're talking about that. Then they go home and Micky decides to spend the night, so then in a few scenes she'll be there when older Adam comes in." Shawn tells us.

"Sounds good. Well not really but like..yeah." Walker laughs nervously.

"Ok so Micky, you're on the crawl tube. Kinda like you're on a horse, one leg on both sides." Shawn instructs and I climb up.

"Good to go." I give him a thumbs up.

"Adam, you're sitting on top of the flat monkey bars. Facing Micky, so you're gonna have your legs hanging off one side and your head off the other, your back on the actual bars." Shawn directed.

(I hope that makes sense)

"Yes sir." Walker says as he gets up on the monkey bars and Shawn gets off the playground.

"And action!" Shawn says.

"Do you miss her? Your mom, I mean." Adam asks quietly.

"All the time. I feel like a big part of me is missing, I mean she's my mom...she was my mom." Micky's voice cracks as she looks down.

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