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Walker fucking Scobell

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Walker fucking Scobell

I know. I know ok but
it's not like that and I
didn't mean to hurt her
and I feel like shit but I
can explain everything
eventually I just can't
right now but I'm sorry
Ryan I'd never hurt her
like this on purpose you
know that.

You know..I told you. I
warned you. I knew you
weren't gonna be good
enough for her and now here
we are. You did hurt her. My
daughter is so hurt and
broken and you know what
I can't really do anything
right now because she's in
Vancouver at her friend's

Walker I trusted you. You
knew how this was from
the beginning and you hurt
her anyways.

Ryan I know I messed
up but trust me I didn't
mean for this to happen
and I know you don't get
it and neither does she but
I can explain it all you just
have to give me a little bit
of time.

I gave you so so much time
Walker. You messed up once
already and I let you come
back because she wanted you
to. I think you just made your
last mistake because she doesn't
want you over anymore and
frankly I don't either. You know
you're like the son I never had
Walker and it hurts me to do
this but I don't think you're
going to be coming over any
time soon.

Ryan please

Sorry kid

Wait did you say she's
in Vancouver?


Delphi had fallen asleep 3/4 of the way through Beauty and the Beast, cuddled into a pillow while I sat beside her on my phone, eating cheezits and scrolling on TikTok.

I feel bad for her...but great for me.

This is super cliche but with Walker gone and me here to make her feel better. Yeah.

Of course I'll give her time though.


I woke up a few hours later, Brady no longer next to me but a note on the nightstand.

We're downstairs with Daniel's brother if you wanna come down. We're watching a show. You don't have to though, just wait til you feel better.


I sighed softly, stretching before pulling on my jacket and standing from the bed, sure to straighten it up before leaving and shuffling downstairs.

"She lives!" Mike-Daniel's brother- exclaims as I walk into view, Brady and Mo's heads shooting over to me.

"Hey Delph." Mo says, hopping over the couch and hugging me. "You feel better?"

"Nah I still feel like shit." I tell her with a ironic grin. "But the Disney did help, thanks Brady."

"Anytime, you know that." He nods to me. "Want some fries? Mike brought McDonalds, I made sure to save you some."

"I can't say no to Mickey D's fries." I give in, pulling away from Mo and sitting between Brady and Mike, eating the last half of the medium fries while we watched Breaking Bad.


I walked out of the conference room, annoyed. I hated making Delphi feel like this.

Ryan did say she's in Vancouver though, at Daniel's house from what Mo told me.

Only problem is I have no clue where Danny lives.

"Walker, wait up!" Sophia calls, jogging to catch up with me as she falls into stride.

"Hey Soph." I greet quietly, looking down at my phone as I try to check Mo, Daniel, or Brady's snap location.

"How you feeling?" She asks, knowing about everything with Ariana and Delphi and Ryan and the friend group really.

"Like hell." I sigh, pocketing my phone and running my hand through my hair in annoyance. All 3 of them had turned off their location, soon after Delphi had I was guessing.

"I'm sorry Walker." Sophia says as I look at the ground, watching my feet as I walk to my driver's car that would take me back to my hotel.

"It's..." I was about to say ok, but it's not. Nothing about this is. "Nevermind."

"Hurry up and get in the car." Sophia says seriously, looking over her shoulder.

"What? Why?" I question again, looking back. "Oh god." I groan, walking faster to the car as we see Ariana walking over, applying lipstick so she could leave lip marks on me like she did yesterday.

"Lock it as soon as you shut that door." Sophia advised as we approached the car, Ariana speeding up behind us. "Unless you wanna look like a man whore again." She laughed.

"Not funny and god she's persistent." I groan as I open the door. "A hug goodbye wasn't enough for her it's been like 4 days I'm not ready for all that kissing."

"Bye Walk." Sophia waves.

"Bye Sophie." I reply as I shut the door, locking both as Sophia meets Ariana in the parking lot, Ariana waving to me as the driver pulls out of the parking spot.

I wave back to her and let out a sigh of relief as I buckle up.

Sure she's my girlfriend, but damn she doesn't need to leave lipstick all over my cheek. I just wipe it off in the car anyways.

"Thanks for leaving the wipes in here, Johnny." I thank my driver, noticing the makeup wipes I had went to CVS to buy yesterday when the lipstick wouldn't come off.

"Of course, Mr. Scobell." Johnny nods, looking at me in the rear view mirror. "Although I see there's no need for them today."

"I escaped unscathed." I shrug as he turns on the radio, driving through the streets of Vancouver to my hotel.

I plop down on my bed as soon as I get to my room, soon getting back up and changing clothes to get the overwhelming amount of Ariana's perfume off me.

She puts more on every 5 minutes, I swear.

I put on my pajamas and quickly answer Ariana's goodnight text before plugging in my phone and climbing under the blankets.

How is this my life. No Delphi?

I lay my head against my pillows, sighing as I close my eyes.

New notification from Snapchat: Danny Boy is now sharing his live location.

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