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I have to say I was very happy to wake up from one of the best nights sleeps of my life with my favorite person beside me.

Walker is so pretty when he sleeps, well all the time actually, but still.

I watch him for a bit until he cracks a small smile. "I can feel you staring at me."

"Nuh uh." I laughed softly, scooting closer into his arms if it was possible.

"I forgive you because your cute." Walker smiled as he kissed my forehead, which he's been doing a lot lately.

"I didn't ask for forgiveness, Walkie Talkie." I laughed as he glared at me.

"You're gonna need forgiveness for creating that nickname." He told me. "Also everyone's downstairs waiting for Leena and Mo to finish making breakfast. They apparently asked if they could."

"Mm yay, I love when Mona cooks." I smiled sleepily. "So how much longer can we just stay like this?"

"Until one of us as to go to the bathroom." Walker replied, making me punch his shoulder. "Jeez, I was kidding. We can stay here as long as you want."

"All day is feeling like a great option." I sighed softly as I stretched.

"Ow, Fuck, just elbow my ribs Why don't you." Walker groaned, holding his side.

"Do you need me to kiss it better?" I questioned rhetorically.




Eventually (10 minutes later) we go downstairs to eat breakfast, which was great timing because Mo and Leena were just finishing up.

Mo had made everyone French toast while Leena chopped up basically every fruit found in our fridge.

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, and apples were all washed and some were sliced up and the mix was divided into the small bowls my mom bought forever ago but we never really use.

Walker and I walk into the kitchen with our hands interlocked, making everyone either smile at us or roll their eyes (Mo and my dad).

"We get it, you guys are cute, but can we stick to no public kisses today?" Mo asks rhetorically, not actually asking.

Walker quickly kisses my lips before smiling smugly at Mo, who glares unamused at him.

"Who told you two to date?" My dad asks as he gags.

"Everyone who's ever been employed by Marvel." I reply.

"Everyone..ever." Walker adds, making our moms laugh.

"Ew." My dad mutters, turning back to his coffee.

I laugh at him as we all move to the dining room table where there's enough room for all of us and Lenna has Tanner and James bring the plates into the dining room.

"This is child labor, I hope you know that." I tell Leena as Tanner sets Walker and I's plates in front of us.

"They'll live." Lenna shrugs as everyone gets their plates and Tanner and James sit down.

Mo sits on my right, Walker already to my left.

I regretfully had to let go of Walker's hand so he could eat and we all began eating peacefully, making small talk between bites.


A while after we finished eating, Walker and his mom left somewhere, leaving Mo, Abby, and I upstairs in my room, although they were acting strange too.

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