Thanksgiving at the Scobells?

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Thanksgiving at the Scobell's would probably include:

-Lots of cooking with Heather/Blake

-Tanner setting the table

-Walker hiding so he doesn't have to help

-Delphi hiding with Walker

-Leena doing everything with Heather

-Delphi and Walker being found and forced to make the mashed potatoes/deviled eggs

-Arguing from Tanner, James, and Betty wanting to help cook

-Ryan throwing potato skins at the kids when they're being annoying

-Pete pulling up with pumpkin pie

-Walker and Ryan eating all the whipped cream before dinner

-Walker and Delphi sitting across from each other and kicking each other under the table

-Inez sitting on the couch on her tablet

-Ryan and Pete making horrible dad jokes all day

-Blake and Heather actually supervising the kids

-Inez, Betty, and James refusing to eat stuffing

-Delphi eating a bunch of Mac and cheese

-Leena stealing the last roll from Walker

-Gravy all over the table from the kids

-Hot cocoa and a movie after dinner in the living room

-Walker and Delphi sharing a blanket

-Walker and Ryan don't get whipped cream on their cocoa since they ate it all and had to get more

-Delphi letting Walker have some of hers

-Everyone having matching mugs

-Tanner invested in the movie (Probably Marvel)

-Everybody screams at Walker when he suggests Deadpool

-Sleepover in the living room (Walker, Delphi, Leena, Tanner)

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