Chapter 519: The Truth Comes Out

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"After all that, no one is poisoned." Someone sneered on the spot.

"If he wasn't poisoned, why are you making all these fusses?"

"It's late to take back your words now!"

Voices emerged from the crowd one after another.

When the police officer heard this, he frowned.

Zeng Qinghua continued, "Officer, this lady came early in the morning and accused us of selling poisonous vegetables. Her husband was hospitalized. She was crying, scolding, and demanding compensation from us.

"However, this requires evidence. We can't just compensate her for her words. There's no other way, so we had to call the police and ask for your help to investigate the truth!

"And this lady also said that she would sue us at first. She kept telling us to compensate her!"

The officer had handled countless cases. It was obvious that this was a premeditated slander. When the 'victim' saw the police, she panicked.

"What's going on?" The slightly older police station's sharp gaze directly swept over Lin Xiufang and asked in a stern voice.

At this moment, Xiao Lingyu walked over and said, "Officer, this lady said that our vegetables were poisoned, and her husband was admitted to the hospital because of it. To express my sincerest apology, I want to give this victim the best treatment, so I wanted to contact a friend to transfer him to a VIP ward.

"However, this lady doesn't seem to be willing to cooperate. I asked her a few times, but she refused to tell us which hospital and ward her husband is staying in."

Xiao Lingyu was very sincere. However, they could also sense her brilliance behind it. If the poisoning was fake, her sincere offer was basically a direct test. No wonder the other party was unwilling to cooperate.

By now, the officers had differentiated the truth. They could immediately tell which side was telling the truth and which side was lying.

Of course, they couldn't do things without evidence. The older officer said, "We'll have to investigate this clearly. Please take us to the hospital to see the victim first, and we'll make a statement at the same time!"

Lin Xiufang was already scared when Xiao Lingyu mentioned she'd go to jail for slander. When the officer told her to take them to the hospital to find her husband, she was so scared that she knelt down on the spot.

She cried out in fear, "I'm... I'm sorry, my husband wasn't poisoned."

The police officer's face darkened as he asked sharply, "Your husband isn't poisoned, so where is he now? And why did you come here to slander the shop's boss, saying that his food is poisonous?

"Do you know how serious the consequences are? If the victim wants to sue you, it's enough to send you to prison."

Lin Xiufang's heart trembled. This time, she apologized very honestly, "I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Please don't sue me!" She said the last sentence to Zeng Qinghua and his wife.

Xiao Lingyu's expression turned cold, and she asked in a stern voice, "What do you mean by you didn't mean to? Because you like it, you can go around ruining people's reputations? Do you know how much damage you've caused with your words?

"Let me tell you. I can sue you for this. Even if you don't go to jail, you won't be able to escape from detention and supervision."

Lin Xiufang's expression immediately changed. She shouted, "No, don't sue me! I have parents and children to support. I don't want to go to jail..."

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