Chapter 587: Stay and Work

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As usual, during mealtimes, the competition for the food was fierce. There was no mercy at all.

After eating and drinking their fill, everyone touched their round bellies and praised, "It's really delicious.

"We had the best noodles last night, and this is the best meal we've ever eaten.

"Although these dishes are ordinary, they have the best appearance, aroma, and taste. Even those big hotels can't compare to them."

"These dishes are really delicious."

"They look beautiful, smell fragrant, and taste delicious. The taste is simply superb!"

"Boss Xiao, it seems that Auntie's cooking skills can also become one of the attractions in Taoyuan Village," Someone looked at Xiao Lingyu and joked.

As soon as he said this, many people immediately agreed, "I think it's possible. Auntie's cooking can definitely draw people here."

At this point, he seemed to have thought of something and looked at Xiao Lingyu and asked, "Speaking of which, boss Xiao, how do you charge for food and accommodation here?"

It was not that he wanted to be calculative about the money, but he had to ask clearly about the matter of money. He didn't want to be scammed.

Xiao Lingyu smiled and said, "There's no accommodation fee. But the cost of the meal this morning is 188 RMB per table." There were eight to nine people per table. On average, a person only needed to spend around 20 RMB. It was not expensive at all.

"188 RMB?"An Xiaohui and the others were clearly shocked when they heard the price.

Xiao Lingyu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is 188 RMB too expensive?" She didn't think it was. If she compared it to the food at the hotel in Xing Yin county, the same food would cost at least 388 RMB.

"No, no..." Ye Feifei and the others shook their heads. "It was not expensive. On the contrary, we think it was a little cheap."

At least in her opinion, a table of such dishes would cost at least 300. Plus, the food was even more delicious than the expensive hotel food.

Xiao Lingyu smiled and said, "It seems like I have to raise the price."

"No, no, this price is just right!" Ye Feifei and the others immediately shook their heads. Even if they had money, they wouldn't spend it casually.

Xiao Lingyu said again, "The price of noodles is eight RMB per bowl, and the meal is 188 RMB per table. As for the accommodation, I'll consider it as borrowing you a hostel to stay in. In the future, I might charge but not this time."

"That's great!" The tourists cheered. They were glad to have saved money.

"Grandma, your wine is too delicious." The tourists who had tasted the wine said with some doubt, "But why can I taste the fragrance of peach blossoms in this wine?"

Grandma Xiao said with a smile, "We brewed them with the peach blossoms. How is it? Does it taste okay?"

"It's amazing. The fragrance of the peach blossom and the mellow fragrance of the wine is really intoxicating!"

"This wine is really fragrant! Grandma, is this wine for sale? I plan to buy some back home." They were reminded of them when they ate the bowls of noodles. They had been out for two to three months already. It was about time to go home. Their parents were not getting younger.

Grandma Xiao smiled and said, "Of course, you can. However, the wine is stored in jars. You all came here by bike, so how are you going to carry all the jars?"

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