12. Dying everday

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"Who did this? Do you know?"

This voice broke Shubman's trance and he realised where he was.

"No...i mean maybe some media person." He replied.

The boys were at the practice but none of their minds were there. They were just thinking about the incident.
Shubman started breathing heavily all of a sudden and it was noticed by Hardik who was standing beside him.

Hardik : You need to sit down. Get some water. You can continue your practice later.

Shubman did as he said. He was sitting on the bench with a bottle of water and was thinking about the caller.

Flashback :

What do you need?!
You've already destroyed my world enough.

No yet my dear Gilly. I will come again.
Adios my friend.

"Mind sharing what's going onn in this little brain of yours?" Asked Ishan.

Shubman stirred a bit and said, "Nothing, nothing."

Ishan : So you'll lie to me now?

Shubman : Just a little worried about Niya.

Ishan : She'll be fine. She is not used to all of this like us. We will try to protect her from this as much as we can.

The practice got over and Shubman took his kit bag and went into the team bus. He didn't take Niya with him, didn't even check on her.

Virat and Rohit bhai came with Niya and on the whole way back to hotel Shubman didn't even spare a glance at her.

He ignored her and he kept ignoring her the whole day. It was after the dinner that Niya decided to break the silence and asked him "What happened? Why are you ignoring me like that?"

Shubman just stared at her coldly. His eyes devoid of any emotion.

Niya : Will you answer me?

Shubman : Niya I think I am not sure of us being together this soon. We both have completely different worlds and it's clear after today's incident that outsider's don't survive easily in my world. I think it would be better if we just end it for now.

Niya stood there blankly. What was he even saying? It all didn't make sense to her. "Not sure of us being together" The only words that were ringing in Niya's head. Shubman looked away and walked to his room.

Ishan, Hardik and Rahul who were also going to their rooms heard this and were in complete shock. But it wasn't the time for them to make assumptions about the situation. They quickly went to Niya and took her into Hardik's room.

Niya cried for hours. Her eyes and nose were red. Marks of tears on her face. She cried till she couldn't even breathe and all of them failed to console her. By this time everyone in the team got to know about it and all of them were present in Hardik's room.

Rohit hugged Niya and she just held onto him tightly. Virat's rage was out of control by now. He couldn't think of anything other than his own kiddo taking such a stupid decision.

Niya slept while hugging Rohit and he didn't even mind to stay like that for the rest of the night. Virat barged out of the room and Mahi bhai knew he had to hold him back.

He dashed into Shubman's room and yelled at him, "What do you think you are doing Mr.Gill? I told you on the very first day not to hurt her or you will have to pay a price."

Mahi bhai tried to calm Virat down but it was of no use.

Shubman replied very coldly, "And who do you think you are to tell me that? Stop behaving like you are my parent. We are just team mates".

Virat couldn't even utter a word. He just stood there as if trying to figure out if it was all even real.

Mahi bhai took him out of the room and that night everyone just sat in Hardik's room silently. It was for the first time that THE ICT was sitting silently.

It was at around 4 in the morning when Ishan thought to check on Shubman. He entered into the room and saw Shubman packing his bags.

Ishan : Why are you packing everything?

Shubman didn't reply.

Ishan : I asked you something. Where are you going?

"I can hear that you asked me something but I CHOSE TO IGNORE IT. It isn't important for me and neither do i think it's necessary for me to inform you anything." He replied angrily.

Ishan : Why are you talking to me like that?

Shubman : Why is everyone assuming that they have a special place in my life for them? WE ARE JUST TEAM MATES and I've had a lot of team mates all these years in my life. You are just one of them.

Shubman left with his bag saying that.
His words pierced Ishan. If felt like someone just stabbed him at the moment. Maybe even that would be better than what he was just going through.

Ishan just sat their on the floor with his head buried and crying his heart out. Was he really no one to him?

He told about it to the team later and everyone tried contacting Shubman but it was of no use. They didn't hear from him for 2 days. Those 2 days were like a nightmare for all of them.
They don't even know how but they survived it. Niya and Ishan weren't even living they were just there, just surviving somehow.

2 days later the squad got announced for the T20 against SA and all of them had to report early on the morning of the match. They didn't even think Shubman would be there. But he was.

Rohit : Don't you think you need to inform the team management and the captain before getting lost for like 2 days?! Do you even have any idea how scared we were...

Virat : Ro...

Virat tried to stop Rohit to prevent him from getting hurt but he couldn't.

Shubman : I am here now and I sincerely apologise for not informing the team management. And please stop acting like y'all care. Stop acting like we are a family. We are just fellow team mates.

And yet he stabbed another person. His Rohit bhai.

They played the match and managed to win it somehow, well Shubman got out for a duck. There were no winning celebrations no smiles around. No hugs and no running around the ground. The players did a casual hand shake and left the field.

Even after the match everyone tried to talk to Shubman. Niya and Ishan went upto him to only recieve some cold and harsh words that just killed them infinite deaths that instant.
Even Mahi bhai and Rahul bhai tried talking to him but they only recieved a cold shoulder.

This continued for days....rather 2 months to be precise. By the time everyone just quitted making any efforts. But Ishan and Niya never left. They promised being with him in all the moments and they didn't break it. They were there when no one was.

One day just like that after Shubman got out at 7(18) he was sitting in the dressing room and Niya came inn.

Niya : You know what? It's enough now. Enough of your i don't care drama. Enough of you hurting everyone. You don't get to hurt the ones who love you the most like that! You can't!

Shubman : I've told you already this all doesn't make sense now it's all a matter of past.

Niya : A matter of past?! It kills us all many deaths everyday Shubman. You being there but not talking to us. Not even sparing a glance. Your actions your words they already killed us THAT DAY 2 MONTHS AGO.

Saying this she just stormed out of the dressing room leaving Shubman there getting those flashbacks.

How happy they were 2 months back. His ICT family. His brothers. His best friend. His girlfriend.


A/n : Back with another chap. Please comment and vote as much as you can 💗

~Byee until next time.

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