15. The soul to his body

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"NIYA!!!!" Shubman screamed with all his might. He went running towards the edge only to find a body lying far down on the ground with blood all around it.

"Call the ambulance" said Rohit.

And Virat made a call. The hospital was just a few minutes away and so the ambulance reached soon.

Shubman crazily rushed down the stairs all the way wishing it would just be a nightmare and he will wake up from his sleep. But it wasn't.

Everyone went running hastily, half crying, half yelling. Shubman dashed out of the hotel and his feet froze. He saw a blood covered Niya lying on the ground. Her face still crept with a little smile. But she layed motionless. At that time he didn't care. He didn't care what the world had to say or to do he went to her and kept her head in his lap and started calling her "Niya! Niya!!! Get up Niya!! Open your eyes! Niya?????"

"GET UP NIYA" At last he yelled while crying. The ambulance arrived and took her to hospital. A blood covered Shubman and the whole team followed them. She was kept in the I.C.U.

Those few minutes. To all of them it felt like they were fighting for the life or death with her. Their worlds stopped for those few minutes. They couldn't hear anything but just what she said the last. The doctor came out of the I.C.U and it was almost like a heart attack for all of them. Somehow Mahi bhai mustered up the courage and went to the doctor.

Mahi bhai : Doc...

Doctor : Yes, Mr.Dhoni

Mahi bhai : Is she...?

And at this moment everyone prayed and prayed like they never did in their entire lifetime. Their breathe hitched for the moment.

Doctor : I am sorry to say but she is no more.

Shubman broke the I.C.U door and went in. "No..no..it can't be! You are lying! She is a fighter! She can't do this to me. No she won't leave me. Niya! Get up Niya! Show them how strong you are! Get up Niya!

Rahul : Yes!! My bestie can't give up like that! NIYA YOU HAVE TO GET UP FOR US!

Ishan : Niya please! Get up! Open your eyes!

All the seniors just observed those boys talking to -- a lifeless Niya.

Virat : Boys...

Shubman : No bhai no! How can she leave me like this! No!!

Rohit : But...she did
Saying this he too started crying.

Shubman held Niya's hand and said,"You promised me to be always with me. You promised our togetherness. You said you loved me and would be with me always. Get up! What will I do without you Niya!! Get up! I promise I won't ever leave you now! I will do whatever you want! But please for me! Get up Niya!"

But she didn't. She laid there lifelessly. At this moment Shubman felt the soul left his body. It was the end for him. The end of everything. The end of the future he dreamt of. The end of the world he wanted to live in with her. The end of all. It was his end. It was their end.

None of them were in their senses. All of them just layed beside her and cried.

Ishan : I promised to protect you and I failed! I failed Niya! I couldn't save you.

Rahul : I couldn't save my best friend. I saw her taking that step in front of me and I couldn't do anything.

Hardik : I promised to be the best and coolest brother. A brother?! Like this?! Who couldn't even protect you?! Who couldn't be there for you?!

And a voice striked across the room. It was the sound of a laughter. An evil one. Everyone turned around to find Sahan standing there.

Sahan : I told you I will be back Gilly. You should've listen to me. Now look what you've done again. She died. She died because of you Gilly. You are the reason for her death. That day... Only if you would've given up your place in the team you would be living a happy life now. But No! You chose to be a part of the team! You chose not to let me in! This is all a payback to it. The payback for all your deeds. I wish I could kill that little brat-- Alisha that day. Nevertheless you would've survived I guess. BUT NOW! ITS THE END FOR YOU! YOU ARE THE REASON FOR THE DEATH OF NIYA! THE DEATH OF THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!

Virat : Thank you for your confession Mr. It's all recorded.

Sahan looked at the camera in horror. The cops came and arrested him.
Before leaving he laughed an evil laughter and said, " It's okay if I will have to spend the rest of my life in jail. I will live there peacefully knowing that I destroyed your happiness dear Gilly. I destroyed your life".

Shubman went to him and beat him mercilessly. Sahan had a bleading face now and the cops stopped Shubman from hitting him further.

Officer : Sir we understand your emotions but please let us handle the matter. You can't take the law in your hands. Please sir.

Shubman left Sahan and landed on the ground with a thud and started crying. He just sat there bawling his eyes out. He cried in anger, in guilt, in sorrow, in symapthy.

"You came...you came in my life and made it a heaven and now that you are leaving it's worse than a hell Niya!! Why do you always get to decide? Why are you the one who always makes big decisions? You broke your promise Niya! And with that promise you broke me. He sobbed in between and continued...Yes I am responsible for all that happened to you. I am the one who is responsible for your death. Boyfriend? I didn't even deserve to be in your life. I just entered it to destroy it. I made fake promises, the ones I couldn't even fulfill. I couldn't save you Niya! I couldn't! But...but...you were always the sane one. The less emotional one. Why did you do it? WHY? You could've scolded me, punished me or whatever why did you do this Niya!!! If you ever even loved me the slightest for God's sake please get up Niya!! I can't live without you. I will die in the guilt of not being able to save you. NIYA!!!"

Everyone was heart broken seeing him. Seeing him suffer like that. Niya might've died that minute but Shubman, he was dying every second now. His guilt and his anger were killing him a thousand deaths and still it wasn't enough.

Rahul : I doubt if you ever even considered me your best friend Niya! Coz bestfriends don't give up on each other like this.

Virat : Was I really your bhai? Your Virat Bhai? The one to whom you didn't even tell anything.

Jassi : To the one whom you didn't tell how much you were suffering.

Jaddu : The one who couldn't even save you.

Ash : Were we even worth being your brothers?

Rahul bhai : My kiddo. My strong kiddo....

Saying that all of them were miserable was quite less. For the short time that Niya was there in their lives she made such a big impact. She was their joining chain. The one which would never get loosened in any situation for any of them. And today that chain broke. How could it be.

Well there's no happy ending and happily ever after always.


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