13. Spilling it out

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I've already done what you've wanted. I am no more with the team. My brother's don't like me anymore.

Sure Gilly but I have an eye on you always so don't even try to.....
And an evil laughter was heard from the other side.

The moment Niya came and lashed out at him, he didn't even have the courage to look into her eyes. Those hurt eyes. A lone tear escaped from his eye.

But this time unlike any other days he decided to stand up, stand up against the threat and face it.

It's been two months! I CANT SEE THEM LIKE THIS ANYMORE. I can't hurt them anymore. I just can't. Shubman thought.

He went to the team hotel and knocked on someone's door.

"Yes? Come inn" said the person from inside.

Shubman quickly went inside and that was it. The moment he looked into those eyes (was the end of his acting career😂)

Shubman ran to him and hugged him crying his eyes out.

"Bhai" was the only word that came out of his mouth at that time.

Virat was shocked at that incident. Ofcourse he went to his Virat Bhai.
He didn't even talked to him since the day he left. They never spared a glance at each other.

Virat : Shhh...shh...calm down please.

Shubman : Bhai...Bhai I am sorry. I am sorry for all I did. I shouldn't have said that to you. YOU WERE, ARE AND WILL ALWAYS BE MY BROTHER. YOU MEAN A LOT TO ME VIRAT BHAI. You have every right to scold me whenever you want. You have all rights over me. I am sorry. I really am.

Virat : First of all stop crying and secondly I forgive you because I know there is a reason behind it.

Shubman looked up at him with his red eyes taken aback in a complete shock.

Shubman : You...you...know?

YES. YOU HEARD IT RIGHT. WE KNOW. A voice came from the balcony and it was Rohit.

Shubman tried standing up but stumbled on the ground. Rohit sat on the floor near him and all Shubman did was cry holding on to his dear brother like a baby. He finally was in a state to form some words.

Shubman : I am...I am sorry Bhai. Virat Bhai...Rohit bhai... I am sorry. I didn't mean those words. Please forgive me. Please. YES WE ARE A FAMILY AND I LOVE YOU ALL AND I CARE ABOUT YOU.

Virat : We just know that you did it for a reason. But please tell us the whole matter.

Shubman starts narrating the whole incident to them

Flashback :

It was during his U-19 days. The time when he was just blasting onto the seen and still being at the top everytime.

No matter how much the bowlers tried he was a nightmare for them. It was obvious that the bowlers didn't like him. But someone who hated him was his then best friend "Sahan"

Soon Shubman got a call from the Indian team and he became a star of the cricketing world.

Sahan always pretended to like him but he never did. He would never be in lime light till the time Shubman was there and then he thought that Shubman ate up his place in the Indian team. If Shubman wouldn't be there he would've made it to the Indian team.
And when he couldn't beat Shubman his anger took over him and he started making all the wrong decisions.

He threatened Shubman about his family and also made an attempt to murder Alisha.

(Yes yes guys Alisha ain't the villian)

Sahan eventually landed in the jail but this incident scared Shubman to death.
He cursed himself for Alisha's misery and stood himself responsible for almost her death.

Flashback ends.

Shubman : He...he is a psycho. He...tried to kill Alisha. I am responsible for all that she suffered. I almost lost her that day. I almost did. And now I can't...I can't risk to loose you all. I can't risk Niya's life. I can't snatch her happiness, her freedom, her...her life from her just like I did to Alisha years back. I can't let anything happen to Ishan. Him suffering because of me is the last thing I would want to see. I can't risk all of my brothers's life. I can't bhai.

"And who told you that you are snatching my happiness? Well yes, technically not talking to me for straight two months kind of did that." Said Niya.

He looked at the door and found the whole ICT standing there along with Alisha.

Alisha : You aren't responsible for all that happened to me. You aren't. It's not your fault that he targeted me.

Ishan : And if you can't see me suffer then please don't go away now.

And at that moment Shubman felt he was blessed. Blessed with the best family. The ones who trusted him even when he didn't. The ones who would always be their for him. The ones who loved him unconditionally. The ones who thought about him first and then their own selves. The ones for whom he could happily give up his life. The ones who mattered to him the most. His world. His family. His everything.

Hardik : Group hug everyone!!

And all of them rushed to make a huddle at that moment. All of them waited for this and how!

Rahul : Let's show that guy who he has messed up with!

Jaddu : Galat panga le liya hai!

Rohit : Yes messing up with anyone in the ICT

Virat : Means messing up with all of us!

5 minutes later.

Virat : Is the plan clear everyone?


Jassi : Let's show him what a family can do together.

Ishan : Get ready Mr. You troubled my best friend. It's the end for you!

Shubman and Niya were standing across each other in the huddle. It was after 2 months that Shubman looked into her eyes to find her already looking at him. Both of their eyes filled equally with love and hurt.

Mahi bhai : I think you still have some things to sort out. He said signalling towards Niya.

Rohit : Boys, let's go and make the arrangements for our plan.

And everyone left the room.
Now it was only Niya and Shubman standing across each other.


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