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The dreadful feeling spread throughout my entire being as I awaken from my slumber. Shooting up from my once comfortable position, I take in my surroundings.

It was definitely not the awful smelling death chamber I was locked up in. Neither was it home.

I was laying in a king-sized bed covered in red sheets, a four corner canopy and golden curtains shielded me from the outside. This was so regal to be real, where am I?

And just like that the same thought that had me worried and terrified all through my time in the dungeon came back again. My stomach twisted and my chest tightened, the air becoming dense. I needed to breathe.


Where is she? How is she doing? Is she still alive?

Scurrying out of the bed and almost tripping from getting caught up in the curtains. As if that wasn't enough, I hit my head on a wall, not too hard. Two arms wrapped firmly around my waist steadying me and my breath gets caught in my throat. A peculiar shiver ran up my spine. And for once that day, I felt at peace, safe and protected. In his arms.

Slowly peaking up from his chest, my eyes locked with those stormy grey eyes. It held the same cold impassive look as the first time I saw him.

"Careful little one." His calm deep voice reached my ears and made it way to my stomach like butterflies, causing a tingling feeling in my princess parts.

His hands on my waist gripped the little flesh beneath my dress. I could barely feel my legs as it failed me, causing me to fall further into his arms. Carefully now, he picked me up making me wrap my legs around his waist and placed me down of a nightstand.

"Clumsy are we now?" He breathed down my neck leaving goosebumps in his wake.

My mind still in a fuzzy state remembered one thing. "Mother."

"Your mother is just fine. I have her resting in one of the rooms here and receiving adequate treatment. Worry not that pretty head of yours."


That calmed me down, although I wanted to see her, to make sure she was alright. Now that was clear, I was now more conscious of the position I was in. His cold gaze never left my face, my eyes caressed his intricate features. Those grey stormy eyes stared deep into my soul, the mysterious scars on his left eyebrow and nose and those plump lips. Lips I had touched with mine, lips that could lead me to sin. And I would enjoy every bit of it.

"Your Majesty." I let out a breathy whisper almost a whimper. Unscrupulous desire spread through out my body as he nibbled on my ear. I felt something hard poke me in my princess part. A knife. Maybe. But it felt good there, I enjoyed the little pressure it inflicted. So I did what I thought best, fulfilling my needs.

Pressing on into the hard feeling in his pants, his hands drifted from my waist descended to my derriere, gripping the voluptuous flesh. My hand found their way to his hair tugging him closer. He didn't budge, remaining as stiff as a statue, but his hands roamed every inch of my skin. Fondling and caressing my lady parts.

"Your highness, please..." I was needy for something, his touch in a particular place or the feel of his lips on mine. He obviously felt the same way, but he was holding back.

ESMERALDA (His Innocent Bride) |18+Where stories live. Discover now