strands of gold

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to touch the hearts of those,
who lost it all,
to those battling with cancer,
who are ready to fall,
lost in faith and no one to call,
an Aquarius shines like the angel of old,
bringing God's essential nutrients,
in her hands behold,
the treasures of those who lost it all,
to those who suffered and have gone bald,
she donates the hair of an angel,
the strands of hair that effortlessly glows,
the patients now clothed in garments of gold,
how beautiful it is
to witness the smiles of those,
who thought they lost it all,
but for me,
i get to see the stories unfold,
while she remains in my heart,
from dusk till dawn,
oh my dear, what an honour it is
to have met an angel in this world,
and for that i am forever grateful.

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