an olive tree planted in your name

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underneath a sky cupped by the sun's warm hand,
a slender olive reaches for the light.
planted in the heart of palestine,
a seed named after you, my love, takes root.

this isn't just a tree, but a promise whispered to the wind,
a testament to a love that blooms with reasons, strong beyond seasons.
with every olive, covered in palettes of gold and emerald, borne on its branches,
a silent prayer ascends, a ripple in eternity.

for even when the sun dips low and the world slumbers,
this gift of life, a verdant emerald flame,
stands guard over your name, a rustling echo that murmurs your name.
each shade it offers, a cool caress against the sun's heat,
becomes a hushed "thank you" in the unknown.

more precious than any jewel, this olive's gentle dance,
a testament to a love that transcends time's cruel hand.
bound to the earth, yet reaching for the heavens,
it weaves our love story into the fabric of this land,
a silent legacy, like threads woven in the colours of hope and resilience.

the wind sings through its leaves, a lullaby in your name,
a constant reminder, a love that sets my soul at ease.
this olive, a promise etched in the earth's embrace,
a love story which we will both endure,
whispered upon the palestinian shores.

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