good hearts never win

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people with good hearts will never win, as they aren't in it to win,
they fight with open palms, and shields that wear a grin.
no blustered threats or cunning plans, their weapons forged in trust,
they see the good in every soul, a love that knows no rust.

and so you came, a gentle storm, with eyes that held the sea,
a lighthouse in a heart that yearned for something wild and free.
you saw the fight i never waged, the battles fought within,
and with a touch, a whispered word, the war you helped me win.

for love's a curious game, my dear, where winners intertwine,
your heart, a solace to my own, a victory truly mine.
we built a fortress not of walls, but kindness, soft and strong,
and in this haven, hand in hand, we knew we'd both belong.

so let the world hold fast to games where victory's defined,
our triumph lies in tender smiles, a love forever kind.
for hearts that choose compassion's path, a different prize awaits,
the whispered echo of "i love you," a love that conquers fate.

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