a collection of arts

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how beautiful can it be to love a true artist,
one who ebbs and flows her soul on a page,
where the vibrant hues of nature are captured on the canvas,
a stage where the world unfolds in strokes of lights and shadows,
painting the inky expanse of the nocturnal sky,
the artboard painted with shades of ebony and sapphire,
capturing the fleeting beauty of clouds dancing across the sky,
the luminescent moonlight bathing the panels in an otherworldly light,
casting an ethereal glow upon the scene

but as superb of an artist you are,
that is not all you do,
the world around us fades into silence,
the orchestra of nature hushed by the captivating melody that flows from your lips,
your voice weaves a spell,
enchanting the air with its magic,
transporting us to a realm where words and music intertwine,
while your fingers dance across the guitar strings

my eyes swell up with tears of joy,
my heart overflowing with emotion as your music washes over me,
a symphony of sound that touches the very depths of my soul,
your voice: a velvety caress that lulls the soul into a state of blissful tranquility,
a melodic lullaby that soothes away any worries and anxieties,
leaving behind an echo of devotion and tenderness,
your voice: a melodic luscious slumber that soothes the hearts of those who are filled with rage

and as for me, writing about you from the perspective of a poet,
my words flow like a gentle breeze,
as soft and light as the brushstrokes you create with your right hand,
a painter, singer and poet,
a collection of arts,
as painting, music, and poetry weave through each other to create a harmonious blend of passion and creativity,
where love and art intertwine to create a masterpiece,
a testament to the power of artistic expression and the profound depths of love,
one that will burst forth into life as we progress into the best steps into our journey,
i hope you'll soon paint the words
that allowed your smile to exude your light,
that was once filled with a void of darkness.

Golden Elegance - Whispers To The Jewelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें